Harada Dental Orhodontic Dental en Shimonoseki

JapónHarada Dental Orhodontic Dental



🕗 horarios

2-chōme-2-40 Kiyosuekurama, Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi 750-1153, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 83-283-0648
sitio web: www.harada-doc.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.0622675, Longitude: 131.0267174

comentarios 5

  • みくあさ



    I've been going here for a long time, but the receptionist who recently changed is terrible. A young person with black hair tied back... I can put up with him being unfriendly, but he has a combative tone. The quality is much worse than before.

  • のり



    I went to the hospital a few years ago for treatment of my back teeth. Even after many months, there is no treatment. It took about a month to have the tooth extracted, and it took about two months to take care of the tooth and remove tartar. It felt like they were going to take a mold. In the end, I had two back teeth extracted, and I guess I'll finally be able to start. I was thinking, ``I have a cavity in my front tooth, so I'll do that first,'' and I thought, ``I'm going to do that first,'' and leave the back tooth alone. If you ask me to do the back teeth first, then next time. When I tried to make another reservation, due to work, I was only able to come on Saturdays, so I was told that I had made a reservation for Saturday only, but the receptionist said, ``Next time, please come on XX Wednesday.'' When I told them I could only come on Saturdays, they said, ``Saturdays are booked up to two months in advance, so that's not possible.'' It felt like I was being told not to come anymore.

  • 1ui 29y

    1ui 29y


    I've been going there since my child was born because they offer childcare. The childcare workers are kind and caring towards children, so you can concentrate on your own treatment without worrying. My children also come in for regular check-ups, and the treatment is thorough and kind, so even small children don't have to worry about it.

  • 嶋井かほり



    The inside and outside of the hospital are clean, treatment is done in private rooms, and privacy is considered, so you can concentrate on your treatment with peace of mind. The staff will greet you with a smile and talk to you while you wait, which will help ease your tension. Also, the doctor carefully explains the details of the treatment, which is helpful because I can understand my current condition and have a better idea of ​​what treatment to expect in the future. Furthermore, we have a licensed childcare worker and provide free childcare services, so you can leave your child with peace of mind and focus on your treatment. We highly recommend it!




    This is my impression when I was in the hospital before. Reservations are required, but it always seems to be over capacity. So you will have to wait so long that there is no point in making a reservation. I went there because there was a daycare facility for infants and toddlers, but the daycare space was also a kids' space, and there were a lot of children over elementary school age coming in and out, so I was a little hesitant. The filling I had spent months making broke the next day, but I didn't receive any compensation (temporary fillings also broke or fell off quickly...) and they tried to make it again over the same amount of time, so I completely trusted them. I couldn't do it anymore and started going to another dentist.

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