Takami Dental Clinic i Nagoya

JapanTakami Dental Clinic



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒456-0011 Aichi, Nagoya, 熱田区花町2−7 現代ハウス金山
kontakter telefon: +81 52-679-3118
internet side: www.takamishika.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.1398926, Longitude: 136.9017466

kommentar 5

  • 侑加



    I think he is a very skilled teacher. It feels like it's in addition to normal treatment.

  • vv vv

    vv vv


    Thank you for introducing me to me. The teacher is a professional and you can leave it to him with peace of mind. He is one of the best dentists I have ever had. It's been a few years since I had a dentist fix a spot that couldn't be fixed no matter which dentist I went to, but there were no abnormalities and I think the dentist's skills are good.

  • 加藤ろあ



    The drill that was used to cut my teeth buzzed in my mouth, causing damage to the inside of my mouth and causing blood blisters to form, which made me feel terrible. I'm changing dentists.

  • えそら



    I went to a nearby dental clinic, but it didn't heal at all, so I went to an oral surgery clinic and found out that it was a radicular cyst.They tried their best to treat it, but it was difficult to treat a radicular cyst. treatment has ended, The problem comes after that. My teeth were made silver one after another through treatment for other teeth. Later, I asked a friend of mine that he had been there once, and even though it wasn't a big deal, he had one tooth replaced with silver, and was told that the other ones would be replaced as well, so he stopped going and went to a different dentist. He said he was glad he didn't have to go to his next regular checkup without being given a silver tooth. When I heard that, I quit too.

  • パカパカおうまMETAL



    He is a very kind and good dentist. However, you will have to wait longer than your appointment time. Even if you arrive early, it is normal for your appointment time to exceed 30 minutes. I recommend it even if you deduct that (it seems like the waiting time will be even longer lol)

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