Sugiyama Dental Clinic i Nagoya

JapanSugiyama Dental Clinic


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Japan, 〒460-0011 Aichi, Nagoya, Naka Ward, Ōsu, 4丁目2−58 大和ビル 大和ビル5F
kontakter telefon: +81 52-241-6480
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.1607872, Longitude: 136.9064694

kommentar 5

  • 69 SB

    69 SB


    First of all, the attitude of the female staff was too bad. When the doctor was busy, the treatment became sloppy, and even after I had my dentures put in, I was told that it was okay even if I said my bite was bad. The patient is unable to chew food due to a misaligned bite. Only the person himself or herself knows whether the bite is good or bad. No matter how good your dental history is, if you don't have good treatment, it's no good. Female staff should also study how to serve customers.

  • 雅次(キン肉サダハル)



    The doctor here is very professional, so if you can't stop smoking, I recommend another dentist.I don't smoke, so I received treatment when I was in Nagoya, and the treatment is very skillful. is.

  • Nao Matsuda

    Nao Matsuda


    I had my wisdom teeth removed here. Gas anesthesia was good as well. The director explained it clearly. I have no complaints at all. The treatment was also efficient and successful.

  • きい



    It's been many years since I started going there. I do think he has a lazy attitude, but the treatment doesn't hurt, so I always go to him with peace of mind.Anesthesia failed at another dentist and my tooth was cut down needlessly, but he treated me properly. Ta

  • ue bl

    ue bl


    At my first appointment, I was treated with a smile, but at my second appointment, the director became unfriendly. I can't recommend it enough.

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