Takamatsu Kōzai Post Office in Takamatsu

JapanTakamatsu Kōzai Post Office



🕗 öffnungszeiten

156-1 Kōzaihonmachi, Takamatsu, Kagawa 761-8012, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 87-882-0994
webseite: map.japanpost.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.347308, Longitude: 134.0014645

kommentare 5

  • あいうえおかきくけこ



    The correspondence was cheerful and cheerful, and I was treated kindly. I was especially impressed by the woman who helped me. Thank you very much 😊

  • ぽんこつこつこつ



    I called and asked if they sell Kagawa prefecture certificate stamps. I'm glad they responded so cheerfully, but I was disappointed that they didn't sell them at the post office, as I had heard they were supposed to sell them.

  • かずさん



    The director responded. The director was bright and explained everything in an easy-to-understand manner. The staff were also smiling and interacting with customers, which made me feel very welcome!

  • 58-KI6qkIsn LM1odv

    58-KI6qkIsn LM1odv


    Moved to current location near the end of last year. The previous location was in a location that was hard to find unless you were familiar with the area, so moving to the new location has improved convenience. I thought that part of the former video rental site to the left would become a parking lot, but I was a little disappointed that it ended up being left as is.

  • takuya obikane

    takuya obikane


    It's not crowded so I use it often.

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