Takagi Hospital in Okawa

JapanTakagi Hospital



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141-11 Sakemi, Okawa, Fukuoka 831-0016, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 944-87-0001
webseite: takagi.kouhoukai.or.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 33.206491, Longitude: 130.38005

kommentare 5

  • 23 masa

    23 masa


    As a result of a medical examination at work, I found an abnormality in my stomach and went to Takagi for a reexamination. Even though I checked in before 9 o'clock, it was already past 12 noon. There were not many patients and the waiting time was unusually long.The gastroscopy examination showed no abnormalities, but the only explanation of the examination results was "no abnormalities." The doctor looked at the images and gave no explanation at all. I was surprised at how unfriendly it was. Since I had Helicobacter pylori, treatment was recommended, but I didn't want to be taken care of by this hospital again, so I decided to go to another hospital for treatment.

  • nn



    At a store near a hospital where there are many children, “Mr. ◯◯ is~” “The attitude of the system administrator” "It seems like he's looking for marriage, but that's creepy." Swear openly and loudly. I can hear everything. Even if you wear casual clothes, you can tell where you work from the contents. It invades not only the work but also the person's private life and denies their character. I don't want to go to or work at a hospital where there are people who make fun of hospitalized patients and their families, and who gossip about their co-workers. Are you feeling no longer a student? You're free to think what you want, but please at least do it somewhere where I can't hear you. It's uncomfortable.

  • A



    This was many years ago Hospitalized with meningitis. After being discharged from the hospital, I was asked to come and see the doctor once, so I went to see the doctor. When you enter the doctor's office, you will only be asked one or two questions. I was then asked, ``Could you please let me take a blood test as meningitis has been going around lately?'' and I happily agreed to take a blood sample. I was surprised when I paid. I paid nearly 6000 yen. There's no prescription? ? ? This is a blood test, I'm paying for it, right? ? ? I went home with nothing but disbelief. There was no contact after that. I have never been there again. impossible! ️

  • そら



    It's too cruel. I don't even want to give it a star. Even though I was doing my best to get tested and treated, even though it was mentally and physically taxing, the doctors were different every time and they told me different things, and I didn't even share their treatment plans. At the end of the day, I got angry. It's too bad. I really shouldn't go. I don't want anyone else to get hurt in the same way.

  • ぽんたぽんぽこ



    The obstetrics and gynecology department here is really terrible. The teacher is different each time, and what they say is different each time. Even if I did what the previous teacher said, I couldn't do it this time, so I decided to go back several times. In the end, some teachers got angry. To be honest, I can't introduce it to anyone. I will never use it again. It's a waste to even give it a star.

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