JCHO Kurume General Hospital in Kurume

JapanJCHO Kurume General Hospital


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21 Kushiharamachi, Kurume, Fukuoka 830-0013, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 942-33-1211
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Latitude: 33.3184003, Longitude: 130.5135071

kommentare 5

  • r h

    r h


    This was a few years ago, but I checked in before my reservation time and had to wait for nearly 3 hours. There seemed to be a small number of doctors and many elderly patients, and I felt that this led to significantly longer reservation times. Also, according to the middle-aged female doctor who was in charge of the surgery, she said that the only option was to have it removed, but since the situation was not urgent, we put it on hold. When I consulted a doctor at a general hospital in another area about surgery, he said, ``If you remove it, there is a possibility that your stools will drool.It would be better to adjust the condition with medication.'' Feces are dripping... I shudder to think that he recommended surgery without telling me about such an important matter related to my life. We recommend a second opinion.

  • 丸永製麺



    I have been indebted to you several times since my days at Daiichi Hospital. Located in the middle of Kurume City, which is said to be a town of doctors, I think it's safe to say that we are top class in terms of number of surgeries, track record, and reliability. However, looking at this post on Google, there are overwhelmingly many complaints about long waiting times. For example, patients are managed by number, so even if you are the 9th patient in line before the gates open in the morning, you will be delayed due to medical procedures. This can't be helped... However, the 9th patient knows that the 195th patient will be called to the examination room before the 9th patient. What if the pain is so bad that it's hard to bear? It is unavoidable and understandable that the order changes due to medical reasons, but is there any way to make it so that it is not obvious? I would like to request that this include speeding up medical treatment. I expect improvements from a good hospital.

  • 名無しの権兵衛



    I trust my doctor and only need to see him once or twice a year, so I can tolerate it, but the waiting time is too long and I am exhausted. Every time I check in first thing in the morning and leave the hospital at noon. Tests other than the doctor's appointment go smoothly, but I had to wait for three hours at the doctor's office... The reception number is displayed on the monitor, but it is not helpful as it only shows up to 3 people. There are multiple people, including me, who are being asked their turn at the reception desk, and if automatic reception and payment are being introduced, I would like them to make it possible to see the order and approximate waiting time through an app.

  • 日向



    I had my uterus operated on here. I went to the gynecology outpatient department of another hospital, but I didn't trust the doctor's treatment or the hospital, so I decided to visit this one. From the time I called to make a reservation, I received friendly service. (I did not say that I had any distrust of the previous hospital's response.) It took a while for my first visit, but this is expected since it's a general hospital and I'm sure you'll have to wait at all gynecological outpatient clinics. During my consultation, I was asked about various concerns, so I decided to come back on a different day for the test. On the day of the test, all tests were completed smoothly. A consultation with the doctor in charge also suggests various treatments, depending on how to proceed, rather than immediate surgery. If you are worried after being explained the advantages and disadvantages of that case, I was told that it was okay to make a decision after listening to the explanation again with my family. He was a doctor who listened carefully to the wishes of his patients. In the end, the fibroids were quite large and I decided it would be better to have them removed. I chose surgery. Both the doctor and nurse in charge answered the explanation before admission and the questions I had during the hospital stay. Even though my doctor was busy, he always came to see me every day. The nurses are also very polite. I was admitted to the women's ward, but I was asked to walk a little to help me recover after the surgery, so I did a lot of walking. I was impressed by how hard-working all the employees were. I still go for regular check-ups. There are some reviews that say the wait time is long, but I think that's normal. The gynecology outpatient clinic is especially popular.

  • パキラ



    My daughter visited an emergency room with severe abdominal pain and was unconscious. The pain hasn't subsided at all, so should I stay in the hospital and see how things are going until a specialist comes next week rather than the doctor who works the night shift? I couldn't bring my daughter home, who was dizzy from the pain, so I asked her to be hospitalized. However, since the large room is full, only the private room is available. Is it okay if it costs 11,000 yen/day? I was confused, but all I could say was that it was okay and signed the consent form. I have a single parent medical certificate, so my medical expenses won't be too expensive. I was thinking about it in the back of my mind, and since it was late at night and the nurse was busy, I couldn't ask for details, so I was discharged from the hospital four days later, and when I looked at the bill, it was nearly 40,000 yen. There was no room in the large room, so I had no choice but to be hospitalized in a private room...And on the morning of the third day of hospitalization, I was charged exactly 11,000 yen. I explained it to them and asked the teacher to discuss it with me, but they agreed, so I decided to stick with it. So, should I have given up on going to the hospital that day and took my daughter home who was suffering from severe pain? Is it okay if it costs 11,000 yen? I was just asked that, without any other explanation, and I just did what I was told and made me sign the consent form. Does that mean we agree? What would have happened if I didn't agree? I learned that there are many hospitals that do not charge an extra bed fee if you have to be admitted to a private room because there is no room in a large room, and I realized that this hospital is one of those hospitals. When I was hospitalized, I was able to visit him on the first day, but on the second day I was told that I couldn't visit him because he had a fever, so yesterday I visited him normally. At the time, I didn't even point it out as a minor coordination error, thinking that the nurses probably weren't coordinating with each other, but after that, the doctor didn't give any explanation to the family, so I called out to the nurse. He said, "Oh... really? Excuse me! I'll check!" and was immediately taken to the examination room, where they finally explained that they suspected appendicitis and on the third day since my visit. When I was discharged from the hospital, I was told that the patient next to me had contracted the flu the day before when I was moved to a larger room, and that I had been in the same room for about 5 hours, so I was prescribed preventive medication. I'm surprised at how messed up something is. Is this hospital okay? ? I don't think I'll ever need your help again.

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