Takada Dental Clinic w Wakayama

JaponiaTakada Dental Clinic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2-chōme-2-17 Ōda, Wakayama, 640-8323, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 73-472-4876
strona internetowej: www.takada-dentalclinic.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.2296049, Longitude: 135.196732

komentarze 5

  • 新関堅太郎



    I went there for treatment of cavities. I was really scared to get a cavity fixed, but the staff and doctor were kind and it didn't hurt. I want to do my best to fix it.

  • 若井菜々子



    I came here based on a recommendation from the orthodontist I was attending. I had one of my front teeth bleached because it was discolored, and the doctor was very thorough in his explanations. I had a case where the color was difficult to change, but after visiting the dentist a few times, the color became the same as the surrounding teeth, and I was so happy that the original brown color was no longer noticeable. is. I guess the only way to fix it properly is to scrape it off and make it ceramic? That's what I thought, so I'm glad I checked here. I would like to continue to visit you.

  • cha



    I received treatment for my front teeth, which I had been concerned about for some time. After full whitening, I had a ceramic crown made. I'm very happy with the natural finish! I was told that it would be a good idea to take this opportunity to redo the root treatment, so although it took a while, I'm glad I asked for it. The staff also told me that regular cleaning is important after healing, so I would like to go back again to make it last longer.

  • H K

    H K


    The dental treatment is thorough, and the doctor's explanations after the consultation are easy to understand, so I will continue to use this dentist from now on. He was a really good dentist. Moreover, the inside of the hospital was also very beautiful.

  • R CJ

    R CJ


    I visited because it's close to my house. I felt comfortable in the beautiful hospital. The teachers and staff are very kind He provided thorough explanations and treatment. I'll be going there all the time! !

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