ホワイトエッセンス加盟院(イオンモール和歌山) w Wakayama




🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒640-8451 Wakayama, Naka, 中字楠谷573 イオンモール和歌山2F わかやま歯科内
kontakt telefon: +81 120-708-846
strona internetowej: www.whiteessence.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.2757271, Longitude: 135.1487322

komentarze 5

  • fumi



    Thank you to everyone in charge for always providing thorough treatment. We will also be happy to provide detailed explanations and advice on how to care for your teeth at home and the current state of your teeth. I'm glad that I've been able to keep my teeth in good condition thanks to you!

  • 篠宮あき



    I am currently undergoing orthodontic treatment. At other clinics, there were times when the explanations were not sufficient, so I went to several clinics. You can leave it to us with peace of mind here. I'm looking forward to seeing you after the treatment is complete.

  • 幸恵福本



    The director and all the staff are very polite and easy to ask if there is something you don't understand. I think the price and how to proceed are explained properly at the beginning, which makes me feel at ease.

  • 奥口有希



    After my pediatric orthodontic treatment, my wisdom teeth grew in, so I was concerned about the alignment of my teeth again, so I visited the doctor. I was able to adjust it until I was satisfied with it, and I was also able to confirm it with simulations, etc., so I'm very satisfied. I'll do my best to keep it.

  • まかろに



    I go to the hospital with Invisalign. The doctors and hygienists are all very kind and you can come here with peace of mind. This is a great help as I can only go to the hospital on holidays. Before signing the Invisalign contract, I was given a thorough explanation of the fees and treatment, and there were no additional charges other than consumables as originally explained, so I felt at ease. Thank you for your patience until my teeth are aligned.

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