Taiyo Coffee w Hamamatsu

JaponiaTaiyo Coffee



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2287-10 Hosoechō Kiga, Hamana-ku, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 431-1305, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 90-1234-7739
strona internetowej: instagram.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.7944106, Longitude: 137.6677169

komentarze 5

  • 今泉恵子



    This is my second visit. It was around 1 o'clock on a weekday, so it was empty. Today, I had a lunch with plenty of vegetables. The set includes about 9 types of side dishes, seasonal fruits, multigrain rice, and miso soup❗️ The fillet cutlet and fried vegetables were served with curry salt. The seasonal fruits were fresh, sweet and delicious. I wanted to try the most popular Taiyo roll cake, but I was too full to order it😓

  • Masato Yamada (BetaMat)

    Masato Yamada (BetaMat)


    A slow homely coffee shop Lunch is only a set menu for 1900 yen, and on this day there were two options to choose from. I didn't have dessert that day, but the roll cake was also delicious. The food is delicious and the atmosphere is good I think this is a restaurant where you can have a good experience if you can tolerate the slow and simple service of the old man waiter.

  • 香子



    I went during lunch time. They take orders in turn and serve salads, dishes, shaved ice, and drinks in turn. The inside of the store is a nice space with white as the main color. The salad had a variety of vegetables and was very delicious. The tomato cream curry was delicious. The freshly fried fillet cutlet and fried shrimp were crispy, hot, and delicious. I wonder if shaved ice is made by freezing condensed milk? It was very rich and delicious. However, if you are impatient or in a hurry, it might be better to come and eat slowly when you have time. We had a wonderful time.

  • Y Y

    Y Y


    I came to the store on a weekday for the first time in a while. A set that includes curry, salad, drink, and dessert costs 1,540 yen.You can choose curry with soft-boiled egg and melted cheese. The salads are voluminous, with various seasonings depending on the type, and are very attentive and delicious. Cheese goes well with the smooth curry. Dessert is a chocolate roll cake! It was my first time and it was very delicious. Is it limited? If you make a reservation, you can take it home. It's a space where you can feel luxurious.

  • workerbee hmk

    workerbee hmk


    I visited on a Saturday lunchtime. There weren't many parking spaces in the front, so I had the impression that it would be crowded, but there was also a parking lot in the back, so there was a bit of space inside. The menu is lunch only and includes salad, curry, roll cake, and drinks. I could choose the type of curry and toppings, but I chose tomato cream curry. with soft-boiled egg topping It was said to be sweet, but I had the impression that it was not spicy rather than sweet. It has a nice kick of spice, so even people who don't like sweets may find it ok. Lots of salads. I had a calm time without feeling rushed.

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