太田歯科 w Kosai




🕗 godziny otwarcia

4004 Araichō Nakanogō, Kosai, Shizuoka 431-0301, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 53-595-0800
strona internetowej: www.ota-dentalclinic.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.7044489, Longitude: 137.5498078

komentarze 5

  • ゴリ丸



    PS: I think the doctor's treatment is accurate. So I raised the rating. People have read the reviews, and the doctor is very thorough and dedicated to the treatment...I think it would be a shame if even one person were to neglect their teeth because of this. I'm grateful to my doctor for discovering my wisdom teeth early, but I have to go to a dental hygienist for regular checkups (not just here, but all dentists always make an appointment to earn pocket money). When I was being cleaned, an instrument was forcibly screwed into a decayed tooth that was being monitored, resulting in a chipped tooth. Even though I had a cavity, I was very worried that there was a dental hygienist who screwed instruments until the tooth was chipped. After receiving dental treatment, I am thinking of going to another dentist.

  • みーかず



    Thank you for giving me a second opinion several times. I was satisfied with the cleanliness of the hospital and the thoroughness of the counseling, etc. However, it was difficult to confirm the contents of the pre-surgery oath over the phone, so I sent a message on Instagram twice, but it was read and passed, so I was transferred. I decided to do it. I had a CT scan done at another hospital today and it was found that the condition is still at a level where it can be treated without surgery, so I will undergo treatment next week. It's a shame because I was hoping to stay with you for a long time. Please cancel any future reservations. thank you very much.

  • 高柳知香



    The staff always treats me with courtesy. You can rest assured that we will discuss the details of the treatment that day and the amount of time it will take before the treatment begins. My children also take care of me, but they don't push me too hard, so I don't mind going to the clinic.

  • ゆき



    This is a dentist whose image of a dentist that I had had since I was a child has changed 180 degrees, in a good way. This was the first time that I learned not only how to treat teeth, but also how to prevent them. He is a very kind dentist. I regret that if I had known about this clinic earlier and started going there, I would have had fewer cavities. I feel like it's a little difficult to get a reservation, but I think that's because it's popular, and it's also a reflection of patients' evaluations.

  • 杉浦静香



    I was looking for a place close to my house where I could go to the hospital after dropping my child off at kindergarten, and I found Ota Dental Clinic! I was a little worried because the reviews were so negative, but... The receptionist was very responsive and polite. Treatment is quick and explanations are easy to understand This makes me want to go to the hospital! First of all, you have to take care of your teeth (T ^ T) I regret it. They seem to have been offering childcare since January of this year, and reservations are required, but it seems like they've introduced a very helpful service, so I think I'll be able to bring my child to my next reservation ^_^

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