Full Dental Clinic w Hamamatsu

JaponiaFull Dental Clinic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

6003 Magōrichō, 西区 Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 431-0203, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 53-592-8241
strona internetowej: full-do.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.6868785, Longitude: 137.6290684

komentarze 5

  • 白悪兎



    The dentist I used to go to was closed, so I decided to go to this one that had good reviews. At that time, the hospital had just opened, and the doctor was kind and explained things to me, but lately I've been getting irritated. And recently, even when I complained of pain from the treatment, no one was able to help me. Moreover, it seems to be worse than before the treatment... (lol) But maybe it's just my imagination. I've never had a bad dental assistant or hygienist in charge, so I don't know. Personally, I feel that all the dental hygienists are good.

  • K.S



    I guess she's basically a dental hygienist, doing things like removing tartar, testing to measure the depth of periodontal pockets, taking X-rays, etc. The female staff will look after you. Is it the male clinic director who cuts the teeth, does the final check, and gives future instructions? will take a look. The atmosphere is warm and the treatment is explained while showing images and illustrated movies, so you can rest assured that the treatment will not proceed without you understanding. By the way, tartar removal, periodontal pocket inspection, and tooth brushing? It was about 3000 yen.

  • 玉木裕治



    After my divorce, I returned to my hometown of Hamamatsu for the first time in a while. I had no problems for a few months, but now, three months after I came back, my tooth started hurting. It was my first time in Hamamatsu since I moved to Tokyo for university, so I wasn't familiar with the dentists in the area, but my parents went there and I heard it was a good place, so I decided to take care of them as well. Did. The doctors, hygienists, and staff are all very friendly and provide detailed explanations before starting treatment, so I can feel at ease entrusting my treatment to them. Thank you for your continued support until I am completely healed.

  • 隆太



    I recently started going there, and I was able to receive treatment with peace of mind in a clean and clean hospital. I was sometimes afraid of dentists and would be given strict instructions on how to brush my teeth, but this was not the case here, and the doctor was very kind and gave advice, which was great.

  • 旅行大好き



    We visit regularly. If you've been coming here for a long time, you'll receive a variety of treatments, such as tartar removal and wisdom tooth extraction, but you can feel safe entrusting each treatment to a doctor with a proven track record. When I had a cavity, the treatment was painful, but other than that, I felt almost no pain and the treatment was over in no time. Unless something else happens, I will continue to be here for you.

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