Tairaya i Utsunomiya




🕗 åbningstider

4-chōme-21-3 Wakakusa, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 320-0072, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 28-650-6511
internet side: www.eco-s.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 36.5881896, Longitude: 139.8585886

kommentar 5

  • たるたる



    I have a growing child, so the fact that meat is sold by the kilogram is a big relief. All of the cashiers are veterans, and they are pleasant and efficient. For some reason, it's nice that everyone seems to get along so well. It feels a little cold in the store every time, so I always bring something to wear (^_^;)

  • 英人



    The meat and sashimi are very fresh and delicious. I have decided to buy Kainomi steak and Sukiyakiniku here. The chicken is plump and delicious just sprinkled with rock salt and grilled. The beer goes on! Phuha! (>▽

  • ハリネズミ123



    When I was shopping the other day, I heard a man yelling from the cash register. Men (customers) lined up He was relentlessly yelling at the clerk next to the cash register and hitting the acrylic board. The cashier with a line of men There was no staff near the service counter or anyone to help. He didn't seem to be panicking and pretended not to notice. I watched while thinking about contacting the police in case there was any danger. The clerk who was being yelled at Leave the place, make a phone call, A male clerk came and took care of me. I was horrified to think what would happen if there was violence or a knife. Previously, at another Tairaya store. When a customer falls, No one can help, The one who is wiping the bubbles Sometimes the store staff would just walk by and go home. Recognition as a person, I think it's too bad, so I would like to have employees who are familiar with emergency manuals and judgment criteria, and who can make judgments and respond on-site.

  • 美桜



    I like the sushi corner and the side dish corner. When you buy sushi, prices are high and gari is gone, but wasabi and soy sauce are provided and are plentiful. 👏✌ The layout is neither wide nor narrow, making it easy to shop. 👍👌 The staff at the cash register seemed tired and acted like a maniac, but it was a bit disappointing. 😓

  • nao



    The in-store butcher's ``Niku no Amaike'' has great prices and a great selection, so that alone gives it 5 stars. They sometimes sell foie gras and rare parts of Kuroge Wagyu beef that other stores don't carry, so when I want to buy delicious meat, I always choose Taira-ya.

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