Otani i Utsunomiya




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40-1 Nozawamachi, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 320-0071, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 28-665-4131
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Latitude: 36.6052707, Longitude: 139.8579259

kommentar 5

  • 泉田雅照



    I'm using it because it's a good location from where I live. When I first saw it, there was no supermarket sign, so I hesitated. However, the staff members are also friendly and nice. The selection is also good.

  • わんわん



    A dark shop. I'm secretly looking forward to coming home feeling energized by the energetic lady at the cash register.

  • 美桜



    Frozen food at half price is helpful. A popular and convenient place to shop I've moved far away, but I've been able to look at the flowers along the Nikko road in search of half-price frozen food, and when I go along the river, I've come across cute ducks and ducks, so I've been able to enjoy shopping at a great deal while feeling soothed. 🎵💯 Yesterday, the fried chicken was cheap, tender, and amazing. I worked hard and got a reward. 👏💯💝 When I went shopping, Sano, Kyoto, and Yokohama ramen were on sale for 208 yen. It was a great experience because it was cheaper and more delicious than anywhere else. I was happy. 👏🙌 Thank you, Otani, for selling frozen foods at such low prices every day. 🙏🙇

  • オヤジサーファー



    Sashimi is not delicious. Until a few years ago, I thought it was pretty good and bought it without any discomfort, but since a few years ago, I haven't been able to find any attractive, delicious-looking sashimi. If you go late, they will put up discount stickers, but people will gather around them, so the people putting up the stickers will hurry back to the back. In the past, I had a discount sticker pasted right in front of me and was able to make a purchase comfortably, but I don't want the sticker to be so obvious that I go back to the back of the store. Of course, I understand that it's for sales, but if they're going to put stickers on it, I think it would be better if people who want to buy it should be able to buy it cheaply.

  • s y

    s y


    I often come here with my children. I went to Otani with my kids and got them candy for the first time. The person who worked the cash register was a man, and I was worried that it would be slow for a man (sorry), but he was polite and considerate of my children, which helped me out.

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