Suzuki Ramen w Sagamihara

JaponiaSuzuki Ramen



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3-chōme-18-3 Sagamiōno, Minami Ward, Sagamihara, Kanagawa 252-0303, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81
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Latitude: 35.5334254, Longitude: 139.4362192

komentarze 5

  • 51 ねむち

    51 ねむち


    This is my first visit. Isn't there a super tonkotsu ramen shop in Hayashida No. 16? It's a completely different shop. Flat, thick noodles made with dried back fat sardines, topped with onions and half rice. Yeah. delicious. The onions are nice and chewy. There was a line when I left. Is it a popular store?

  • まあくん



    I came here because I was looking for a PayPay campaign♪ Black MAX⁉️I was curious about it before I went, so of course I ordered it🆗 I safely made it medium 😆 Call⁉️ It seemed like there was no customization 🈚️ There was a line before the night session opened, and it opened a little earlier 😊 Arrived quickly and started with soup. This is delicious with a double punch of scent and taste that smells like dried sardines 😋 First impression is important♪ A perfect match for what is commonly known as the Jiro type 😍 Isn't this one 😁 It had crispy noodles, fried oil, fried garlic, melon oil, vegetables, and char siu, and although it looked like a black Jiro dish, it had a taste of dried sardines, and was delicious and had an original feel to it 😋 I think it has a taste like no other 👌 It doesn't feel too oily than I expected, and I think it's light and gentle on middle-aged people. There are different flavors such as pepper, shichimi, and vinegar, depending on your preference🆗 With disposable chopsticks, it was easy to remove the wavy noodles. I ordered a medium portion, but I think it was about 80% full😆 I felt it was a little smaller than the Inspire style noodles shops. When I looked into Coco's shop, I found that there were shops in the neighborhood that had a spicy atmosphere and shops that didn't have any seasonings, but Coco's service was pleasant, the atmosphere was pleasant, the interaction with the staff was pleasant, and they accepted PayPay, so I was satisfied. It was a meal♪ The taste changes depending on the atmosphere 😂 Well, I guess I'll come again next time too 😆 Nibo MAX is next🆗 Thank you for the meal😋 When I left the store, there was a line 💦

  • T Hattori

    T Hattori


    It opens at 11am, and when I arrived at 11:30am, there was already a line of 7 people. It took about 20 minutes to go inside, buy a ticket, and get the rice bowl. I ordered nibo max, and my companion ordered backfat sardines. Nibo MAX has bean sprouts, Nikukasu abra, and garlic, so it's somewhat Jiro-like? That's what it felt like. But the base is dried sardines, so if you say it's different, it's different. Garlic remains in your mouth after eating. I like the ginger to taste ❤️ On the other hand, the dried sardine Chinese noodles had the same ginger as the base, which was a little more effective. We had delicious. When I left the store, it was around 12:00 and the line was getting even longer. Thank you for the meal.

  • 御手洗清



    Convenient location, about 4 minutes walk from the north exit of Sagami-Ono Station. A popular store that always seems to have a line up. There were about 8 people in line before the store opened on weekdays. There are only counter seats inside the store. I think there are about 10 seats. The seats are spacious and spacious. You enter the entrance and purchase your meal ticket from the ticket vending machine at the back. This time, I chose ramen with dried back fat sardines for 950 yen and additional pork pork for 350 yen. The back fat dried sardines ramen is a soy sauce ramen-like soup with a strong hint of dried sardines. Perhaps because the original soup is refreshing, even though the back fat is floating, it's not too greasy and delicious. The noodles are flat, medium-thick noodles. Toppings include chashu pork, rock nori, menma, and chopped onions. People may either like or dislike rock seaweed, but I like it. Menma is thin and has no presence. The char siu was fairly thick and had a nice meaty feel. It's soft and delicious. Overall I was satisfied. The store was clean and had a good impression. Throw away tissues and other trash in the trash can near the ticket vending machine. Thank you for the meal. ◆Last time Nibo MAX. Jiro's ramen. The garlic is too strong for my liking. If you like it, it's the flavor you like. The volume is amazing.

  • Bok



    Good dried sardine broth ramen!

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