Kunisaku w Machida




🕗 godziny otwarcia

1-chōme-27-11 Morino, Machida, Tokyo 194-0022, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 42-722-7264
strona internetowej: www.kunisaku.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.5464, Longitude: 139.4423

komentarze 5

  • 51 ねむち

    51 ねむち


    ●Second time. I told him to eat the soba while it was still shining. Nice phrasing too. ●This is my first time here. When I wander around near Odakyu, I usually park around here and walk. I used to watch it often. Very classy and nice atmosphere. Normally, I was worried about the main character, Kuni Saku Soba or Kamo Seiro, but I took the plunge and decided on the A set. Appetizers include 100 percent soba, yokan, and iced coffee. The food and customer service are both luxurious. I guess there are pros and cons to 100 percent soba. I like Nihachi, but this is it.

  • あか



    I made a reservation for Sunday lunch. The garden was beautiful and the soba noodles were delicious and soothing. The atmosphere on the terrace was nice, so I would like to visit again. It was crowded, and it took quite a while to be served after being shown to a seat, but the staff served us with smiles, so we had a pleasant time.

  • 今井菜穂子



    It had a gate like one found in a rural area. There were beautiful trees and stones in the garden, so it was very relaxing! The 100 percent soba noodles were delicious. There were two types of soba soup, so I ended up drinking the soba soup. Dessert was also delicious. I think it's better to make a reservation early. I waited for about an hour I had it with seasonal tempura, but it was so elegant that I was a little disappointed! Because I'm a big eater~

  • 2520 hmyzk

    2520 hmyzk


    I lined up and entered the store without a reservation before it opened on February 11th. Since we were the third group, we thought the food would be served right away, but we ended up waiting 60 minutes. Those who had made reservations, ordered alcohol, and ordered set menus were given priority and their food was served early, and they were even given extra soba noodles. When I entered the restaurant, I was told, ``Please leave your seat in 60 minutes,'' but it took 60 minutes for the food to be served, so I guess they're completely over capacity or have strange rules regarding the priority of serving. Is it? The food was delicious, but overall, including the price and serving time, it was a very disappointing restaurant. Although it is a famous store, there are some doubts about the service. This is a very disappointing store that does not consider capacity. There will be no second time.

  • Amruta Dumbre

    Amruta Dumbre


    Vegan option available. If you are vegetarian, you will get shallow fried tempura instead of deep fried. ( because for deep fried fish and vegetables tempura they use same). Gluten-free dessert also available.

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