Sushian Saito head office w Numazu

JaponiaSushian Saito head office



🕗 godziny otwarcia

47-2 Kasugachō, Numazu, Shizuoka 410-0844, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 55-954-3009
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.0834314, Longitude: 138.8587183

komentarze 5

  • TO18



    This is a famous sushi restaurant in Numazu Port that I go to regularly. My favorite dish at this sushi restaurant is the squid gun. There's a lot of sea urchin in this dish, and the squid and sea urchin go very well together, making it a dish you won't find anywhere else. The sushi is also very fresh and delicious. The prices are reasonable and anyone can afford it. Please come and visit us. This is just my personal opinion, and I think it varies from person to person. I am writing this comment in hopes of sharing the aesthetics of Japanese culture with everyone and increasing the amount of happy time. Let's collect as many smiles and happy times as possible in our lives.

  • tt3156



    Visited the store on August 27, 2023. I had the nigiri thighs and she had the seafood bowl. All the ingredients were fresh and very delicious. The squid gun with sea urchin is exquisite.

  • 越後浪人



    Being a prestigious sushi restaurant in Numazu Port, reservations are preferred, but the ``toppings'' are fresh. I visited this place because the Minato Shunsai store was closed for a long time. If you want to eat cheaply, ``Sakura 8 pieces'' is 2,850 yen. They also serve miso soup. If you want to eat local fish, we recommend ordering the 10 pieces for 3,850 yen. An unusual item is the sea urchin and crab miso sushi roll wrapped in squid meat. However, I think that the customer base is high, and even among love lovers who come on a pilgrimage to the sacred place, only those with high standards come.

  • R r

    R r


    The sushi toppings are the biggest and most delicious of any sushi restaurant I've ever eaten at. I like shellfish, and Saito's whelk shellfish was the most delicious I've ever had in my life. I go every year, so I'll be visiting next year as well!

  • h i

    h i


    I used it for lunch. I ordered squid gun with sea urchin, which was listed as a specialty, thin flounder, seared bonito, and 10 pieces of chef's choice. Basically, it is small and has a small construction. As for the taste, it may have been because I expected too much from the nigiri because the egg was delicious, but it was average. Considering the taste and price, it seems like an ordinary sushi restaurant. If you come to Numazu, come here! I'm sorry, but I couldn't reach that rating. However, the service and atmosphere are very good, making it a normal sushi restaurant. That was my impression.

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