Sakanaya Dojo Niigata station front | Izakaya / Seafood pub / Private room w Niigata

JaponiaSakanaya Dojo Niigata station front | Izakaya / Seafood pub / Private room



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Japan, 〒950-0087 Niigata, Chuo Ward, Higashiōdōri, 1-chōme−1−16 堀川ビル B1F・1F
kontakt telefon: +81 25-290-5122
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 37.9136394, Longitude: 139.0605278

komentarze 5

  • A S

    A S


    Entrance and exit are one-way. Even if I tried to go out from the entrance, I couldn't. Even if I wanted to go out to the Higashiodori side, I couldn't. The atmosphere of the store is bright and nice. I used the 2-hour banquet course and thought it was all-you-can-drink for 2 hours, but it turned out to be 90 minutes of all-you-can-drink and the seats were available for 2 hours. Was there something like that on the homepage? ? There was no explanation after I entered the store. That's dissatisfying. A drink called non-alcoholic yuzu honey doesn't mix even if you mix it (lol) I would like it to be improved. I was surprised that a small appetizer was included in the course meal. It wasn't huge, but it was delicious. Delicious eel roll sushi. However, considering it's a ``Fish Dojo,'' there weren't that many fish. Also, after 2 hours, the staff kept asking me to go home! It was a reminder.

  • 田中則明



    Stopped in for the first time after a concert at Toki Messe. Perhaps because I walked in without a reservation, I was seated at a table in a semi-private room by the entrance. The female staff members are quite smart and likable. The store is quite spacious and can accommodate a large number of people, and the counter at the back of the aisle is also stylish. When we looked at the menu, we found that there were a lot of half-menu options that would be great for the two of us, who are on the verge of becoming elderly and can't eat a lot. From appetizers to yakitori, salads, sashimi, and deep-fried sweet shrimp, you can't go wrong with any of them. Alcohol lovers will especially appreciate the wide selection of sake brands. It's located right outside the Bandai exit of Niigata Station, so you can drink until the very last minute of your train time.

  • hiro



    There is less food in Niigata than I expected. The fish is delicious. The deep-fried tofu was dry. Sake is small for the price. There are many half sizes on the menu, so you can order a variety of things. The store clerk's response was very kind and good.

  • toshiaki 0n

    toshiaki 0n


    It's extremely spacious, so there are always plenty of seats available. The fish is delicious. There are many types of sake. They also carry Niigata specialties.

  • i CC

    i CC


    JP stile fish market

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