Super Sanwa Funatsu en Wakayama

JapónSuper Sanwa Funatsu



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1-chōme-4-1 Minatogoten, Wakayama, 640-8286, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 73-428-1138
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.2204419, Longitude: 135.1574229

comentarios 5

  • あゆかO



    It's been 20 years since I came to Wakayama, but this was my first stop. My first impression when I entered the store was that it was orderly and clean, contrary to the image from the outside! It was. Before going to the fish or meat you're looking for, check out the vegetables and advertised items. There were a lot of great deals and I was excited. There were some processed items that I felt were expensive, but overall I had a good impression. The quality of the fish, meat, and side dishes is good, and the cost performance is good⤴⤴ I wonder why I've never been here before, I'll repeat.

  • としちゃんw



    Approximately 3 minutes (approximately 200m) by fast dash from the Oura Kaido Funatsucho intersection in Wakayama City... 50's old man speed (1st grade boy level,...) I went to Super Sanwa, which has an amazing fish shop. I went into the store out of breath. First of all, the fresh fish corner! Yes! ? As expected? Is that a fish? It is said to be produced in Wakayama Prefecture. I bought it right away and it's a side dish for tonight's sake! lol Not only is it fresh, but since it's white fish, it's high in protein! It's the first time I ate it. It seemed to be a rare catch, so I ate it with grated maple leaves and wasabi soy sauce. It was delicious. I am grateful to the sea of ​​Wakayama. Next up is the yellowtail stew, which I love! You are doing a good job! It tends to have a rather sweet and strong flavor, but it is light and has no odor at all. I ate it all at once. There is a fish-friendly supermarket, and there is also an eat-in corner (it's spacious, with sofas), so I'll come back again to try out unique ingredients.

  • t93 rx

    t93 rx


    At the summer port festival, they use the parking lot in front of the supermarket as a stall and hold various events for children, such as yo-yo scooping and goldfish scooping. It also operates as a regular supermarket, so you can buy prepared foods and other items cheaper than at food stalls. It may be difficult to bring children to the port, but it's perfect for families who want to see fireworks and enjoy the atmosphere of the food stalls. I hope this kind of local supermarket continues for a long time.

  • 重野清美



    You can have tempura set meal, sashimi set meal, and Ryugujo set meal for lunch for 1300 yen to 1500 yen! The number of items and volume was the content of the course meal! The taste is bland, but the flavor is strong.

  • Ryuuichi Sugimoto

    Ryuuichi Sugimoto


    The meat was easy to buy, and the inside of the store was very clean. Local customers are coming.

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