Gyomu Super @KŌZAKI en Wakayama

JapónGyomu Super @KŌZAKI



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164-1 Kōzaki, Wakayama, 640-8314, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 73-474-0754
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.21661, Longitude: 135.2007278

comentarios 5

  • みさき



    I always go there just to buy ice cream. Is it because of the heat? It was a shame because there wasn't a lot of variety.

  • さすらいの武士モノノフ



    I like it a lot because they have a good selection of products, but the problem is that the parking space is small (^_^;)

  • 久米一博



    Lunch boxes are cheap. There are a lot of fried foods, but I go there to buy them once in a while. There is volume. There are frozen foods. For meat, there are mega packs. Suitable for people with large families. The problem is that the parking space is narrow. Security guard, please guide me properly. The inside of the store is very small and carts hit each other. The cash register is also quite crowded. There are especially many people on flyer days. Bento boxes start from 298 yen. Hamachi's nigiri is also cheap. For frozen foods, I buy frozen vegetables such as green beans, spinach, broccoli, kinpira-cut burdock root, fried eggplant, and corn. When it comes to frozen fish, buy boneless cod or Spanish mackerel if possible. For side dishes, I buy things like fried shrimp, assorted tempura, chicken nanban, yakitori, and croquettes. There is a large amount of sushi made with shrimp. It's full of raw shrimp. The rice balls from Fujimoto Foods are also delicious. We recommend kelp, bonito, cod roe, and salmon. The seaweed is also crispy. Shari is also delicious. Recently, it has become self-checkout.

  • ショコラ



    It's cheap and the selection is very good ♡ Also, thank you to the guard for cleaning up the cart (⋆ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)”

  • Chon B.

    Chon B.


    I was just passing by an inexpensive fresh vegetables and fruits market in front of the discount store supermarket?? , so i stopped and checked it out. Many local people were there for shopping. Really nice.

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