Super Sanshin Sanjo in 一宮市

JapanSuper Sanshin Sanjo



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Japan, 〒494-0003 愛知県一宮市三条田畑15
kontakte telefon: +81 586-63-4734
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.3056877, Longitude: 136.7620495

kommentare 5

  • Maria K

    Maria K


    There is also a Sugi pharmacy and a laundry so you can make the most of your time. I get the impression that frozen food (spa) is especially good value. I like Sanshin's cup dessert, but it would be helpful if you could make it a little cheaper.

  • MAC



    Me and my eldest son used to live here in Sanjo Eventhough Aoki Supermarket is next to our house we get our groceries at Super Sanshin because it sells more lowest prices than other supermarkets ( except for the chicken ) but I like it here brings back memories

  • 2666 10993

    2666 10993


    Super Sanshin Sanjo store is a supermarket located in Ichinomiya City, Aichi Prefecture. There are many products lined up in the large store, and the cheap products are really cheap. In particular, I think their cup noodles are overwhelming other stores. There is a clothing store, a beauty salon, and 100YEN SHOP Watts in the building. There is also a Sugi pharmacy and a coin laundry on the premises, making it a small commercial complex.

  • vilma sawanami

    vilma sawanami


    appordable price its recommended

  • Charles Davies

    Charles Davies


    Great supermarket. Nice and cheap.

nächste Supermarkt

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