Heiwado Kisogawa in Ichinomiya

JapanHeiwado Kisogawa



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Shimizu-52番地 Kisogawachō Satokomaki, Ichinomiya, Aichi 493-0005, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 586-86-3388
webseite: www.heiwado.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.3533246, Longitude: 136.7715621

kommentare 5

  • 成澤薫



    Today, June 27th (Thursday), I went shopping for the first time in a while. I also wrote a strip of paper as a commemoration. Also, my husband and I will come here for shopping. Thank you 🤗

  • パン



    It's a normal supermarket, neither good nor bad. There is also a toilet. There are also 100 yen meets. There is a small unmanned gacha gacha corner. Self-checkout is more common. For me, the roasted sweet potatoes here are much bigger than those at the nearby supermarkets, and the roasted sweet potatoes are here! I have decided that

  • かわもと



    It's my local supermarket, so I've been going there often since I was little and it's my favorite place. It's not big, but there are some great value items. Vegetable juice is cheap. Self-checkout has recently been introduced, so you can pay quickly. There are many veteran employees, so customer service is stable. It's a relaxing supermarket, so I will continue to use it!

  • Taka



    I used it yesterday (evening of May 19th), but was it a writing utensil when checking out? An elderly female clerk who appeared to be conducting a customer survey persistently guided me to the counter and said, ``You can use the self-checkout,'' even though the cash register was usually not crowded, and when I had no choice but to move, she again persistently told me, ``You can also use the cash register in the back.'' I was directed to use the cash register. The quality of the self-checkout is also poor, and if you pass the same item over and over again, it won't read (reading was successful only after scanning 3 different items), and the storage area after checkout is small, and the hook to hang the handle is low and difficult to hang, making it unstable. was. I was thinking of writing my opinion directly to Heiwado Customers, but since the reception page is a ``corporate-oriented customer site'' that asks users to write a lot of personal information, I decided to write it here to alert users. I used to use the Kisogawa branch quite often, but I think I'll use a different branch when I want to go there.

  • おたーけさん



    If you go in the evening, there will be side dishes. It was a bargain. But hey, one fried shrimp. 30% off for 140 yen is a bit... Was the person in charge tired?

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