Super Hotel Kokura-eki Minamiguchi w Kitakyushu

JaponiaSuper Hotel Kokura-eki Minamiguchi


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

1-chōme-6-34 Kyōmachi, Kokurakita Ward, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka 802-0002, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 93-541-9000
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.8859049, Longitude: 130.878817

komentarze 5

  • mandu



    Super hotel provide budget accommodation. no extra step service, you cannot demand much because you get what you pay for. Room is in standard level and staying for one night is ok for me. I will choose other when I visit Kokura next time.

  • Calvin Ng

    Calvin Ng


    Closed to the Kokura station and strip mall and restaurants. The room is really small and cramped for two people. The bathroom is small. The view of the room is facing the parking lot. The bed is uncomfortable, with barely any cushion. Check-in was easy. You have to pick your bed pillow next to the check-in. Cuz there isn't a pillow in the room. There is a laundry room on the first floor.

  • Jonas Fischer

    Jonas Fischer


    It's a perfectly normal hotel with decent breakfast. But it bothers me a lot that they brand themselves as "eco friendly" and sustainable and then give me a single use plastic spoon wrapped in plastic to eat my breakfast. All the usual plastic toothbrushes etc. are also there, so what exactly is it they are doing for the environment?

  • Bas Teix

    Bas Teix


    Very cozy small hotel. Front desk and room cleaning are friendly and do a great job. Delicious buffet style breakfast included until 8:30 am sharp. Healthy and organic ingredients. Nice public bath alternates every 2 hours for man or woman. All night available for man. Inside open street pedestrian only shopping mall. Great price. Rooms on the small side, but for the price it is a bargain. Right next to the bridge going to the Castle and the river walk.

  • SUK KI CHEON (전석기)

    SUK KI CHEON (전석기)


    So nice hotel just to stay one or two days. Room condition was very nice. Especially you can choose pillow types when you check in with washed pillow cover. Bathroom was so small but fully available in shower. Shampoo, conditioner, body wash were available in bulk cases. Bed was also good for me when I stayed with my wife. Not narrow and just double bed. Breakfast was free and type was oriental with sticky rice, scramble egg, fish, hams. I absolutely recommend this hotel to you if you find cost effective hotel in Kokura. Ah, this hotel is not far from Kokura station and just need 7 minutes by walk.

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