Fukuoka Guesthouse Little Asia Kokura w Kitakyushu

JaponiaFukuoka Guesthouse Little Asia Kokura



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Japan, 〒802-0005 Fukuoka, Kitakyushu, Kokurakita Ward, Sakaimachi, 1-chōme−5−5番15号 中道ビル 5階
kontakt telefon: +81 93-982-4422
strona internetowej: fukuokaguesthouse.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.8820667, Longitude: 130.8829336

komentarze 5

  • Éléonore Tremblay

    Éléonore Tremblay


    Sweetest and most helpful staff! Very well situated, clean and good vibes in the common areas!

  • Joshua Corbett

    Joshua Corbett


    Location was great, flexible check in. The price was excellent if travelling on a budget. However, the mattress I had was either so thin it may as well not have been there, or so worn it needed replacing. For the price it's fine, but don't expect a good night's rest. There are many rules to follow and pinned up everywhere - it felt very authoritarian. Something has happened in the past for each to be necessary but it was a bit too much.

  • Miriam Görzen

    Miriam Görzen


    Such a cute hostel, the staff is so kind and it's very cheap. Even for walk-in. Laundry is free and the location is amazing. Totally worth it. I really enjoyed it, thank you

  • Joanna Bradford-Thomson

    Joanna Bradford-Thomson


    Lovely comfy beds and curtains. Free washing machines and tea and coffee. Was a bit confusing to find but spot the elevator up and you should be ok. Was a bit interesting walking around the neighbourhood at night since there are a lot of bars and clubs around but it was pleasant enough. Staff were friendly too.

  • Emily Garczynski

    Emily Garczynski


    This hostel is in a good location for tourism. It's fairly close to places like Kokura Castle and the River Walk Mall. The hostel owner was also really nice and always willing to help. He gave us multiple suggestions for places to eat around the area and all the places we went to were really good. The rooms were cute and I got to meet a lot of other really nice tourists who were also staying there from around the world. The rooms have recently been updated and all of the amenities are clean. There is even a group Room. I’m not one hundred percent sure if it was the owners dog, but there was a really cute dog in this room all the time. If I am ever in the area again, I will definitely be staying here.

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