Super Hotel JR Ikebukuro-Nishiguchi en Toshima-ku

JapónSuper Hotel JR Ikebukuro-Nishiguchi


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2 Chome-14-12 Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tōkyō-to 170-0014, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 3-5911-9000
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Latitude: 35.7321162, Longitude: 139.7069933

comentarios 5

  • Nipuna Chamara

    Nipuna Chamara


    Good place to stay if love low cost but comfortable living in a compact environment.

  • Joreen Ng

    Joreen Ng


    My favourite hotel to stay in when I visit Tokyo! Their service is always good and they also provide complimentary breakfast with a good spread daily. Room and bed are really comfy in my opinion. Recommended for solo travellers (even ladies!) and friends (max 2 pax in 1 room as it may already be a little squeezy for 2 pax)/couples although it's in the west side where there are more bars and such. I had a safe solo stay on 2 occasions so far, so I feel that it's fine. I love my stays here always. ∩__∩

  • en

    Andrew Mok


    Amazing hotel for the price. Fast wifi, everything was super clean. The location was very convenient just steps away from train exits. Lots of good food options around the hotel. Highly recommend anyone travelling and looking for a budget hotel to stay in.

  • Fiacre Chou

    Fiacre Chou


    Convenient to arrive within three minutes through the C1 exit. Highly recommended hotel, which is clean and offer good quality breakfast.

  • Kizyr F

    Kizyr F


    This is a great budget hotel with a good breakfast and a perfect location. Pros: The location (short walk from JR Ikebukuro on the Yamanote line), the low cost, and the free breakfast (I prefer a healthy breakfast, which is hard to get on vacation, so this was very helpful to me). The lobby floor has a free IP phone if you need to make any brief international calls. There's also a coin laundry which is very useful for long-term travelers. Cons: The wi-fi and LAN connections were sometimes spotty while we were there. There's only one elevator, so some times of the day it takes a while to enter or exit the building. Lastly, there are a few things to be aware of that are common to -all- budget hotels in the city, not just this one: The rooms are small, but large enough for a decent sleep and shower (the bathroom is a bit larger than most budget hotels but still small) -- but it's the same size as most other budget hotels in the city. Also, the television isn't free, although the internet is. On account of the convenience and cost, I'll probably be staying here or at least another Super Hotel the next time I'm in Tokyo.

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