Ark Hotel Tokyo Ikebukuro en Toshima-ku

JapónArk Hotel Tokyo Ikebukuro


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3丁目-5-5 Higashiikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tōkyō-to 170-0013, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 3-3590-0111
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Latitude: 35.7312348, Longitude: 139.7171486

comentarios 5

  • Mauricio Quiroga

    Mauricio Quiroga


    We managed to book a room in Sakura season which was great because of both the location of the hotel and the price per night. We got an "eco plan" which includes cleaning service on your last day. For us that was just fine. Breakfast had good variety of food and drinks and the price was ok. The staff is really friendly and kind. The room was cozy and had a great view. Overall an excellent place.

  • Dodge Lim

    Dodge Lim


    A neat and clean hotel in the Ikebukuro about 15 minutes walk away from the Ikebukuro Station. Staff are very friendly. They have laundry services. The breakfast were very nutritious and tasty during the stay. Rooms are small but will suffice for a single occupants.

  • Fabrizio Pullarà

    Fabrizio Pullarà


    Small rooms, as expected from a Japanese hotel, but they're clean and with all the needed comforts. You get to choose full cleaning or eco, which means fresh towels but no vacuum or clean sheets, for each eco cleaning you choose you get a free drink from a vending machine as reward. Breakfast is buffet style and costs 1100¥ per person.

  • Patrick Jia

    Patrick Jia


    Standard small & clean room with reasonable price for Ikebukuro area. Non smoking room is better. It does get overbooked in high season. So it's better to book in advance for better/lower rate: $ 65-85/night It is near my favorite temple HodoIn , which I always visited when I'm in Japan.

  • en

    Joe La


    Not too far the station. Good hotel to stay in. It's right near some major shops with plenty to eat around. Rooms were clean if not a bit old in style.

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