SUPER ARCS en Sapporo




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9-chōme-2-15 Shinoro 3 Jō, Kita Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 002-8023, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 11-776-3500
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 43.1435423, Longitude: 141.3718657

comentarios 5

  • ぴの



    The lady stands at the cash register with her mouth open lol I thought he was sleeping at work. The strawberries were rotten. Even though it's a supermarket that sells food, it doesn't feel fresh or clean. Only the selection is good.

  • 能登嘉晃



    A while ago, I stopped by on my way home from work and bought wild vegetable rice. I was eating it at home and there was hair in it. I was disappointed in the hygiene aspect. I would like store managers and people in charge of prepared foods to ensure that there is no contamination by foreign substances in cooking procedures, and to thoroughly review safety and health management.

  • kiyo kiyo

    kiyo kiyo


    Even in the same ARCS group This supermarket is Low price and large sales space There is a wide variety of items, which is nice. From the group's Toko store near my home Looks like you'll have fun and do some good shopping

  • Maxドンキー



    The North store faces Shinoji Street and Yokoshindo, and is next to the Shimamura Shinoji store and Tsuruha Shinoji Higashi store. ARCS was originally founded in 1961 as Daimaru Super. has been established. ARCS has repeatedly entered into capital participation, alliances, business alliances, mergers and acquisitions with numerous companies, and has brought them under its umbrella one after another. In recent years, in 2009, the Sapporo Tokyu Store became a wholly owned subsidiary and the company name was changed to Toko Store. Furthermore, in 2011, the management of Universe in Hachinohe City, Aomori Prefecture was integrated, and in 2012, Bell Plus in Morioka City was acquired, and in 2016, Shiga Shoten in Yoichi Town was acquired. In addition, in 2019, Ito Chain in Miyagi Prefecture became a subsidiary, and in 2020, it merged with Otani in Tochigi Prefecture, making it a wholly owned subsidiary in 2021. What I feel is that although the company has become a subsidiary, the uniqueness of the subsidiary is guaranteed and respected☺️. Even if a company becomes affiliated with a company, the company name, store name, management, etc. will remain the same in principle☺️. I guess the regional characteristics each of them has cultivated up until now have been maintained and utilized within the group👏. The ARCS Group currently has 11 groups and 276 stores (as I remember from 3.4 years ago). It's probably a plus now. There are 37 stores in Sapporo city. The inside of the store is the same as other existing stores, Super Ark. Here at the North store, we sell items at three prices. There is a good selection of 3 fresh items, but the general sweets are lacking😅. Another point is that the quality of the staff is low. The store is unfriendly, including the tenants, and has little knowledge of the products, and what's even worse is that it's a store that doesn't really give you any sense of care or attentiveness 😱. Regardless of the time of year you visit, whether it's related to the coronavirus or the beginning of the year, we want you to treat your customers with sincerity.

  • daimon daiG

    daimon daiG


    So far so good!

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