Supagettigoemon Hamamatsuaritamaten i Hamamatsu

JapanSupagettigoemon Hamamatsuaritamaten



🕗 åbningstider

581-1 Aritama Minamimachi, Chūō-ku, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 431-3122, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 53-431-4050
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.756293, Longitude: 137.7513643

kommentar 5

  • Michael Michael

    Michael Michael


    It was delicious. I think a large serving is just the right amount for men. There is an additional charge of 200 yen for large portions.

  • Hirö



    A pasta restaurant where you eat with chopsticks. The noodles are a little thin and just the right hardness, which I like. The taste is delicious no matter what you eat.

  • yu



    I went there during lunch on a holiday. There were 7 groups waiting 😅 The clerk seemed busy, but the customer service was not particularly bad. When I asked for water, it was poured immediately. I'm not a big fan of pasta, but I remember eating it before and it was delicious, so I decided to come back. I ordered cold pasta with pork shabu and savory vegetables. It had Japanese ginger, green onions, and shiso, and was very delicious! My partner ordered an additional set of pasta and dessert. (The photo is the dessert from that set) I think it's relatively delicious among pasta chains. However, considering the quantity and price, is the cost performance OK? That's what it feels like (👈 looking bossy) The taste is delicious, so I think I'll go again if I feel like it 🙂 By the way, the parking lot is shared with Hoshino Coffee across the street, so be careful during lunch and holidays!

  • tonchi



    I visited with my wife for Sunday lunch. This is the second time since the store opened. It was around 11:50, but I was shown around without waiting. I ordered spaghetti with tomato and garlic, and it took over 30 minutes to be served as the place was full. The taste is usually delicious. I thought it would be more enjoyable to choose the original Japanese-style pasta here. I wonder if I can't get a refill of water without asking the staff?

  • Em ii

    Em ii


    Japanese style pasta,love it

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