Misakubo i Hamamatsu




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1038 Sasagasechō, Chūō-ku, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 435-0042, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 53-463-1231
internet side: y-misakubo.com
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Latitude: 34.7236874, Longitude: 137.7736194

kommentar 5

  • kinako marimo

    kinako marimo


    I went there for the first time in over 10 years. I remember that there used to be a lot of menus, but now I can choose from hamburgers, curry, and gratin. Order the classic hamburger steak with cheese topping. The meat was fluffy and not greasy, and the demi-glace sauce had just the right flavor and was very delicious. It was served with warm vegetables. Apparently they use Kuroge Wagyu beef for the meat, so I guess that's why the price is so high. It looked like it was frozen and available for takeout. The staff at the store were friendly and cheerful. I would like to try the gratin next time.

  • 一生BMWだけど今ポルシェ



    I went there because it was crowded every time I passed by. It had the image of an old-fashioned restaurant. I ordered the garlic hamburger set. I was aware that it would take some time for the hamburger to be served, so I waited, but I waited quite a while for the salad and soup set to come out. It was supposed to be something that could be delivered first, so I thought it would be a good idea to bring it early. The hamburger steak was brought to me, and it was beautifully presented and my appetite was whetted. All the reviews say it's delicious, but I thought it was just that good for the price. It said that they used high-quality Kuroge Wagyu beef, but I thought that the taste and texture would be better at other restaurants that serve hamburgers made with regular meat, so I wondered why. However, the taste of the new balls was outstandingly delicious. I even ate the skin lol Overall, if you're going to spend 2,300 yen, I'd be more satisfied if you went to something like Royho. Also, the overall volume is small, so it's sad that you can't get a full stomach for this price. I think it's halfway decent because there's no bias in either quality or quantity.

  • ken-sang



    The menu consists of three pillars: hamburger, gratin, and curry. Ordered tomato & bacon hamburger and shrimp gratin. Full of volume and very satisfying. The set salad and soup were also delicious. Although the price is not affordable for a Western restaurant in town, it is well worth it.

  • 坂本はっちゃん



    Old-fashioned Western restaurant Is the classic hamburger set the signature menu? I had the hamburger curry. It tasted like a curry from a Western restaurant and was delicious! It's very rich, and the spiciness that comes after is addictive. The hamburger steak is made from Kuroge Wagyu beef and has a great presence! It's juicy and very delicious. It was full of volume. The shrimp gratin also looked delicious. The atmosphere inside the store was nice and calm. There seems to be a second parking lot as well. I would appreciate it if it were a little cheaper, but it can't be helped in this day and age. The taste is very satisfying◎ I would like to visit you again.

  • 山刃




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