SUNNY MART Tsukamoto Store w Matsuyama

JaponiaSUNNY MART Tsukamoto Store



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1-chōme-8-5 Tsukamoto, Matsuyama, Ehime 790-0916, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 89-932-3248
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.835285, Longitude: 132.7873492

komentarze 5

  • セオドアバッグウェル



    I stopped by on my way back from a trip to Matsuyama. I live in a sealess prefecture in the Kansai region, and vegetables, meat, and fish are cheap! I got some bonito sashimi at the fresh fish corner and when I got home, it was amazing! This quarterly at this price! (sweat) There's a Sunny Mart in my area too! want. 5 stars is not enough. Thank you for the delicious food. Also, I would like to stop by when I travel to Matsuyama.

  • K-3-3-pip



    The materials and ingredients of the items they sell are good, but I cannot recommend the side dishes at this store. I think everyone has their own tastes when it comes to seasoning. However, fried food is terrible. Taste that tells you the oil is bad I tried it several times and even the fried chicken wasn't delicious. The discounted items in the evening are especially bad. But today I wanted to eat fish, but I thought it would be a pain to grill it, so I found this and bought it. For some reason, I was naive to think that fish would be okay. I bought the half body cut into 3 parts and grilled. Isn't the original price a little too low? That's what I thought, but... Eat it and be surprised It's smelly, hard, and the mackerel doesn't taste good. Since I ate from the body, I thought I was missing out and ate the tail, but it didn't taste good. Every part tasted bad so I threw it away. I wonder if they sell damaged mackerel by grilling it... I was wondering if there is such a bad-tasting mackerel? I'm going to go out of my way to write a review and share it. I will never buy food from this store again.

  • 案山子



    Local supermarket in Kochi Prefecture There is a store in Matsuyama City The fish is delicious, the meat is delicious too. Vegetables and fruits too! delicious! We have a wide selection of delicious food from Kochi Prefecture, from high-end and delicious to cheap and delicious. It's a fun supermarket just to look at. The customer service of the employees is very good.

  • サトシコンテンツ



    Sunny Mart is a chain of stores located in Kochi Prefecture, and their fish is fresh and they are often used there. You can enjoy a variety of products, from products you can't find anywhere else to products unique to Kochi Prefecture. The country sushi and millet sweets you often see at Kochi Sunday Market, and above all, the freshest seared bonito. If you're looking for something a little different, it's worth a look.

  • Awawawawa Uwuwuwuwu

    Awawawawa Uwuwuwuwu


    Nice. Moderate to expensive price

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