食彩館エルベ24 w Matsuyama




🕗 godziny otwarcia

2-chōme-6-6 Kayamachi, Matsuyama, Ehime 790-0813, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 89-986-3887
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.8449092, Longitude: 132.7568572

komentarze 5

  • コロ



    The taste of fried chicken was unstable in July. (April 6th and 9th too. Today's fried chicken was average. There were variations in taste 💦 I might never see the fried chicken from that day again 😢 → Later: The taste sometimes reminds me of those days. ) /Purchase a lunch box. (Lunch box made from mackerel⁉️I wish I could just have fish...) And eat it. Fried chicken is delicious! ️I like this fried chicken. It tastes like the fried chicken from the delicatessen shop that used to be next to Matsumoto Fresh Fish! ️(That one was fried crispier though.) The skin is not mushy and the taste is delicious. It makes sense that it would be the main side dish. Let's go buy some fried chicken 🐔 I also want them to make more simmered dishes using the fishmongers' side dishes. The braised bonito was delicious. (I don't buy boiled fish because I like it without sugar.) I would like a prepared dish that uses as little oil as possible. /I'm aiming for the Pork Chance Pack. (The price has gone up by about 100 yen 💦) I also liked the side dishes from fish shops, but these days there aren't many of them. Side dishes that weren't fried were precious. 2020.10 When I went there for the first time in a while, the refrigerated display shelves were so clean that it was dazzling. New things feel good 👍️

  • うさぎウサギ



    You can enjoy a variety of things at low prices. A treasure-hunting feeling. This is a supermarket that I hope will last forever.

  • 神谷須磨子



    I went there today at the request of my daughter. I used to go there with my parents, but the name has changed. I feel like the store has gotten smaller. There isn't much selection, but there are some things at very cheap prices. I’m glad I had it👍

  • 赤ちゃんマン



    I used to use it often when I lived nearby. I didn't really cook for myself, but I often bought pork from Elbe. The price is reasonable, there is no smell, and I think it's very good.





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