sunflower in Hiroshima




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Japan, 〒730-0013 Hiroshima, Naka Ward, Hatchōbori, 12−23 第2京口門ビル
kontakte telefon: +81 82-211-0341
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.3955332, Longitude: 132.4636633

kommentare 5

  • Jae Ko

    Jae Ko


    They say tsukemen is better than ramen, so the spiciness of the tsukemen ordered is level 5, which is spicier than Shin Ramyun. How to eat deliciously 1. Add chashu and seaweed to the sauce. 2. Squeeze lemon juice evenly over the noodles. 3. Add cucumbers, sprouts, and onions to the sauce little by little and eat them along with the noodles and soaked seaweed. 4. When a lot of sauce soaks into the chashu, wrap it in ramen and eat it with onions, sprouts, cucumbers, and seaweed. 5. Dip rice balls in the remaining sauce😁 If the spiciness is not enough, you can add the sauce in the picture. It was slightly spicier than bibim noodles and was spicy and sour, making it delicious.

  • Puccasan



    Tsukemen with plenty of vegetables is the best value for money! The balance of thickly sliced ​​chashu, boiled egg, boiled cabbage, onion, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, and oyster sauce goes perfectly with the noodles and sauce for a healthy dish. I didn't know about it even though it's close to my workplace...I'd like to try ramen and yakiniku next time. The area has a lot of office workers on weekdays, so Saturday is the best time to visit! I think it's best to go by around 1pm if possible.

  • Jeremie Jacquet

    Jeremie Jacquet


    Really nice place, the lady was so nice with us and the food was delicious.

  • Tristan Putzke

    Tristan Putzke


    Super tasty ramen!! Highly recommend! 😋

  • jiun yang

    jiun yang


    Tasty 沾麵。Very satisfying after a hot day biking.

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