Sumarutei Yayoicho i Shizuoka

JapanSumarutei Yayoicho



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4-39 Yayoichō, Suruga Ward, Shizuoka, 422-8009, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 54-655-1600
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.0035527, Longitude: 138.4375885

kommentar 5

  • 高橋陽平



    Visited to eat soba noodles in the morning This time I chose “Shungiku Ten Soba” I didn't know that the rice that came with it came with the soba noodles in the morning, so I felt like I was lucky. The tempura was freshly fried and delicious. However, even after I entered the store, customers started arriving here and there, and it looked like it was just a one-off operation (sweat).

  • Tadashi Sasaki (wondersmiths)

    Tadashi Sasaki (wondersmiths)


    After finishing the shoot in #Kariya, we headed straight to #Shizuoka on the #ShinTomei Expressway. I don't have much time for lunch, so I head to #Sumaru-tei to eat #SakuraEbitenSoba. When I tried to buy something at the food ticket machine, it stopped working. 1,000 yen⁉️ picture? Before you know it, it's doubled! ? 500 yen became 700 yen, and now it's 1,000 yen. As expected, I couldn't afford it, so I changed to #Shirasu Soba for 500 yen. I also found a rare #cilantro tempura for 150 yen! In addition, #demihamburger is available with your JAF membership card! It felt a little luxurious #Soba is #juwarisoba from #kinone The coriander tempura is delicious again! Very satisfied!

  • mon chan

    mon chan


    First visit in a while. It will be an old-fashioned soba udon restaurant. I wonder if the taste is a little lower than the store in town? I think it's good for people who want to finish it quickly. The customers are mostly older men.

  • サスケ



    It's my first time at this restaurant, but I've been to Sumaru-tei for the first time in over 10 years.I always ordered kamaage udon whitebait tempura and sakura shrimp tempura, but it doesn't seem to be on the menu anymore.Shirasu udon 500 yen + 150 yen I handed over the ticket I bought from the ticket vending machine for a large portion of yen, and received the finished product three minutes later.It was my fault for not looking closely, but since I always eat whitebait tempura, I thought it was whitebait tempura. But it was kettle-fried whitebait.My impression after eating it was that the warm whitebait had a strange fishy smell and didn't go well with the udon...It would have been better if the soup had a bit more of a dashi flavor or a stronger flavor. Maybe it is, but the person who gave the go sign to this menu is on the same level as me.If it was a different menu such as breakfast, the evaluation might change.By the way, there was no problem with the staff's response.The parking lot is in the store. There is space for more than 10 cars in front of.

  • Aryani Faradis

    Aryani Faradis


    Very very delicious and so soft soba udon. Like it so much.

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