Sukiya w Matsuyama




🕗 godziny otwarcia

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Poniedziałekotwarte 24 godziny
Wtorekotwarte 24 godziny
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Czwartekotwarte 24 godziny
Piątekotwarte 24 godziny
Sobotaotwarte 24 godziny
1162-1 Kumekubotamachi, Matsuyama, Ehime 791-1101, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 120-498-007
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.808967, Longitude: 132.8083052

komentarze 5

  • Top- Girls1

    Top- Girls1


    I used Una Beef's takeout service. When I handed my order receipt to the young man at the cash register, he asked me if I had a point card, so I thought about it for a moment and replied, ``I don't have one'' because I don't have a Sukiya card. But after a few seconds, I thought it might be a "Rakuten Point Card" and asked again, but the answer looked unpleasant: "The cash register has already finished." I gave up on points, but I would have understood right away if they had told me from the beginning that it was a Rakuten or T-Boint card. The una beef was delicious, but I was disappointed that there was no polite service. It was unpleasant. Store manager, please take great care in training your employees for part-time cashiers.

  • 緋咲薫



    I visited for lunch 🍚 The grated beef bowl was refreshing and delicious (^o^)

  • ああ



    I used it after midnight. When I try to pay using mobile payment, The cashier informed me that this barcode could not be read. Sturdy female clerk: QR payment, right? and good I was extremely irritated by the cashier's response to the fact that you could hear the sound from a strong touch. Aunt, ask me the payment method from the beginning.

  • りゅー



    Available for takeout on Saturday, April 13th at around 9pm. A blonde man was working the cash register, but his attitude was too bad. (Probably a part-time job) She takes the bill with one hand, speaks in a low voice, and doesn't even say thank you or apologize for making me wait at the checkout counter. When I saw the clerk, even when he was serving water to a customer, he was silently slamming the glass down. If you hate customer service that much, stop now. Because it's not suitable for me. The people working in the kitchen also take off their masks and I can see them talking and using their smartphones, but is the sanitary environment safe? There were supposed to be three people, but when I entered the store, no one greeted me, and when I left, I didn't even hear a word of "Thank you." The seats are always dirty, and the last time I went there for takeout, there was a parade of people who forgot to put in the items, so I won't be going to this store again. The stores, including the restrooms, are dirty, and I guess they aren't providing proper education.

  • とまととまと



    A blonde man working around 9pm on Saturday, April 13th. If you're the type who swears at customers I think it would be better not to work in the hospitality industry. If you hate customers that much, please quit the customer service industry. What is the image of a house that I like so much with just one staff member? It's something that goes down. I make a sound, my voice is small Are you trying to appeal to me that you're in a bad mood? The first drink offered is silent. It was placed vigorously on the desk, The cashier also disappeared midway through the meal and we were cleaning up the dishes that we had finished eating while making a noise. Is this also an appeal to go home early? I'm not even a baby anymore It's better to stop. It's embarrassing. The other person is a mirror, so you have to improve your attitude. Customers keep saying bad things like this. I'm sorry for your loss.

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