Suginoyahonjin Utsunomiyaminamiten en Utsunomiya

JapónSuginoyahonjin Utsunomiyaminamiten



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434-1 Nishikawatamachi, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 321-0151, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 28-615-2215
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.5177998, Longitude: 139.8412977

comentarios 5

  • MERO 【F】

    MERO 【F】


    The taste was average and I felt the prices were high, but it's nice to have a variety of menu options!

  • NeoArch



    This is a friendly and delicious restaurant. I had the recommended menu, soybean paste nabe, and the vegetables and various ingredients were delicious. Individual calculations were possible and the friendly response was very good.

  • kyon kyon

    kyon kyon


    A family restaurant that serves Japanese set meals centered on soba noodles. There are so many set menus that you are sure to find what you want! This time, I ordered the "Seafood Bowl", a mini soba set, and an additional "Miso Oden". The contents of the seafood bowl were reasonably good, and the mori soba was surprisingly high quality and firm. The soba-yu was a very rich and satisfying set. The content was good, so the cost performance was reasonable, but if you are visiting with a large group and have different tastes, or if you are going for brunch, you can enjoy a delicious Japanese set meal! Next time I would like to try the rice bowl dishes.

  • おお!



    I'm a big fan of the miso stewed udon here, so I often visit here. The parking lot is large and it is easy to park your car. There is also a memorial service dinner course, and a shuttle bus service is also available. Due to the rise in prices, the overall price has recently increased, but the volume and taste are perfect. Miso stewed udon is as delicious as the authentic Nagoya noodles. The sweetness of the Hatcho miso and vegetables melts out, and it mixes well with the chewy udon noodles. In addition to soba and udon, we also have a wide selection of sushi, rice bowls, fries, and snacks, so even those who want to enjoy a hearty meal will be satisfied. We also have a full seasonal menu. The interior of the restaurant is spacious and there are plenty of seating areas for dining parties, so even those with children can enjoy their meals without hesitation. I also like the service of refilling hot green tea. Next to the cash register, the udon noodles and Hatcho miso used in the store are sold, and I have purchased them before, and they were very delicious. This is a recommended Japanese restaurant.

  • Shamsul Mohdnasir

    Shamsul Mohdnasir


    Really nice restaurant to eat japanese food. Their portions are massive and really worth the price! The service was good and a lot of space on each table. Great place

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