Stella Cafe i Bizen

JapanStella Cafe



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648-48 Hinasechō Hinase, Bizen, Okayama 701-3204, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 869-72-4330
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.7283515, Longitude: 134.275121

kommentar 5

  • 玉島乙島です



    On May 12, 2024, I visited with my wife. When I arrived before 11:10, there were only 4 customers ahead of me😄 More than 10 people were waiting in line for seafood restaurant Iso in front of Stella Cafe. 🤪 For a moment, I thought about changing to Iso's seafood restaurant, but ended up going to Stella Cafe, which I had planned for today. My wife ordered the gratin, and I ordered the fried shrimp and shrimp cutlet set. Both were delicious🤭

  • m k

    m k


    On the first day of the second half of Golden Week, I lined up 30 minutes early and was the first to enter! The parking lot was full within 15 minutes of opening time, and the store was gradually filling up. I've used it several times, and no matter what dish I order, I'm never disappointed, and the mini sweets set you order is also delicious and satisfying. This time I had shrimp mayo lunch! Although it wasn't written on the blackboard, I was also interested in the limited fried oyster lunch 😌

  • _ “‪べんぴぎみ‬” benpigimix

    _ “‪べんぴぎみ‬” benpigimix


    On my way home from an oyster barbecue, I was drawn to the cafe's signboard and stopped by. The strawberry tart I ordered was exquisite. This time I visited during the cafe time, but the lunch looked delicious, so I thought I'd like to come during the lunch time next time.

  • Chie. N

    Chie. N


    After eating oysters at Seafood Restaurant Iso, head to Stella across the street for after-dinner sweets and coffee ☕️ Everyone was thinking the same thing, and people who had eaten at Seafood Restaurant Iso stopped by this cafe🤭 It seems that the daughter of Mr. Iso, the seafood chef, runs this cafe. The interior of the store is stylish and cute, and has a wonderful atmosphere that women seem to like. There was a full cafe menu such as cakes, but the lunch also used fresh seafood and seemed to have shrimp cutlets that looked delicious ❤️ I ordered gateau chocolate and raspberry latte, and @tanuyo0413 ordered espresso tiramisu and blended coffee☕️. The raspberry latte didn't have much of a raspberry flavor, probably because there weren't many raspberries in it, so it felt more like a regular iced latte. It's better than being sour though. The cake was served with ice cream, and the gateau chocolate was moist, rich and delicious. I had a large bite of espresso tiramisu, and it was also delicious, with the slightly bitterness of the espresso and the sweetness of the dough being just right. Not only the store but also the restrooms were clean and I was able to relax there. Next time I would like to use it for lunch and cafe ❤️

  • Yeoh JB

    Yeoh JB


    Nice place to have a cup of coffee and dessert

nærmeste Cafe

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