Muginohige Tsudaka i Okayama

JapanMuginohige Tsudaka



🕗 åbningstider

691-1 Tsudaka, Kita Ward, Okayama, 701-1152, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 86-251-6070
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.6960225, Longitude: 133.9025973

kommentar 5

  • にゃんこ先生



    This bakery is located near the Okayama IC on the Sanyo Expressway and is open from 7am. They have two stores in Okayama Prefecture, one in Akaiwa and one in Tsudaka. The store opens at 7 a.m., but there were quite a few customers coming in from the time it opened, and many of the customers were people who looked like craftsmen working on the shop floor. The ceiling inside the store is high, so it feels spacious. There is a wide variety of bread available, from sandwiches to Wiener bread. You can eat in, and there are two terrace seats outside the store, and each person gets a free cup of coffee. On the day I visited, I ate sandwiches and croissants, and they were chewy, moist, and delicious. The French bread type is also delicious, with a firm texture and fluffy filling. I visited around 7:30 a.m. on a weekday, and there were only a few customers in the store, most of whom were ordering takeout and we were the only ones eating in. It seems to be crowded on holiday mornings, so it's better to go early in the morning.

  • Raffaele Collu

    Raffaele Collu


    Best bread in town.

  • ハルマゲbb



    I visited for the first time after reading about Okayama Bread. I was surprised at how large the parking lot was. It must be a popular store! There seemed to be a coffee service, so I was having lunch at an outside table with the bread and coffee that customers had bought. The bread is relatively ordinary bread and is delicious. It may not be enough for people with strong preferences. The side dish bread was very delicious.

  • tomojya



    I usually use the Akaiwa store, but this was my first time visiting this spot. The store is clean and the parking lot 🅿 is large and easy to park. The most important thing, bread🍞🥐🥖, was also abundant, and I bought a variety of breads, including white bread, curry bread, and cream bread, and they were all delicious☺🎵

  • Tooru.s.c. lee

    Tooru.s.c. lee


    Delicious donut!!

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