Steak Miya w Amagasaki

JaponiaSteak Miya



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1-chōme-23-41 Kuriyamachō, Amagasaki, Hyogo 661-0013, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 6-6429-6888
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.7444163, Longitude: 135.40992

komentarze 5

  • yuji sawamoto

    yuji sawamoto


    Since it was my first visit, I ordered something expensive like a double sirloin, but I think the best value for money here is to enjoy the cheap menu with a wide variety of salad bars, soup bars, and drink bars. ■Salad bar There is a wide variety of types, and the quality is high, such as basil salad pasta, mizu warabi mochi, and fruit punch with nata de coco. You can also put a lot of it in your salad bowl. ■Drink bar They have both frozen tea, Soukenbicha, and Oolong tea, and a wide selection of black tea leaves so you won't get bored. ■Soup bar There are 4 types, so even those who are big eaters can replenish the shortage with rice substitutes and curry soup. It's good for those who are used to going here, but if it's your first time, we recommend that you eat less main dishes and enjoy the extensive salad bar and soup bar. I regretted choosing 300g! w

  • Dora Kazuko Okura

    Dora Kazuko Okura


    2024/3/10 I came here because I had a coupon 😉 Today I would like to say something about the bathroom, not the food 😳 Last time I had the amenities, so it was great! As I wrote, perhaps because I came at night today, all the amenities were gone 😭 Please replenish them 😱 Also, the nozzle of the washlet was dirty, so I cleaned it 😡 I put diapers in the toilet 🚽 It's left alone 😨 There's a lot of dust behind the door 😡😱😭 2024/2/25 This is my second visit. I had the "Hamburger & Loin Cut Steak" ¥1830 with garlic rice 😉 The meat was delicious, but I chose the wrong sauce 😨 Also, the garlic rice was the same as last time. As I mentioned earlier, there was no fragrant garlic scent, so I served it with curry soup 😉 As for the garnish, it seems that spaghetti is back, but I think the mashed potatoes from before are more delicious 👍 My husband had the "Chicken Steak & Sausage Topping" for ¥990 + 200 😉 As always, the restrooms are clean and well stocked with amenities 😉 She wasn't the unpleasant guy I met last time when I checked out, but she was a nice woman this time, so it was good this time👍 2023/12/9 Overall, the food and service are just average. 😉 I like the thick-cut steak 200g (¥1990). I love that they ask me how to grill it 🤩 The steak is thicker than I expected, and it's rare. I received it😍My husband had grilled chicken and a bite of steak (¥1990).The chicken was delicious without the smell of chicken🤤I liked the corn soup at the lunch soup bar so much that I had to order a second helping of it😍However, for my steak... , I forgot to put on the mashed potatoes 😭 Garlic rice doesn't have much of a fragrant garlic scent and is not good 😨 Compared to Steak Gusto, which is probably a rival restaurant, I personally think it's better 😉 Also, the thick cuts are rare. If I feel like eating, I'll come. 😉 Before leaving, I used the restroom, and it was small and cramped, but the amenities were good, and even though I had partial dentures, there was a toothbrush that was perfect for me. 🤩 I couldn't help but appreciate the service. Added it 👍

  • ぺこにぁん



    The last time I visited, I had a disappointing experience as the salad bar was not restocked in the afternoon, so this time I visited when it was open. I ordered a hamburger and my companion ordered a steak. The hamburger was juicy and delicious. He said the steak was also tender. There is a wide variety of sauces and you can enjoy various flavors. The salad bar is also number one, so there are all kinds. There are 4 types of soups, and the corn soup here is very delicious! Looks like I'm going there to drink corn soup (lol) However, the restrooms were not cleaned even when the store opened. The paper towels are empty and the box containing the amenities is full of mold. How long has it been since you cleaned it? (.・)? I understand that there is a lack of manpower, but I wish they would do a little better in terms of hygiene.

  • Kelly John Namura

    Kelly John Namura


    First time here. Very surprised. Food was good service was excellent and the ambiance for a family restaurant was very good. Seats are large and comfortable with just the right amount of privacy.

  • norochan




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