Gottsu-ee Hompo w Nishinomiya

JaponiaGottsu-ee Hompo



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒663-8204 Hyogo, Nishinomiya, Takamatsuchō, 14−2 阪急西宮ガーデンズ 1F
kontakt telefon: +81 798-68-5051
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.7443055, Longitude: 135.3608289

komentarze 5

  • 綾野智一



    Otama takoyaki (sauce mayo) costs 900 yen. If you order more mayo, they will put more on it. All supplies are self-service, including small torifune, combs, chopsticks, gangs, and hand towels. I was able to use PayPay.

  • しいな47



    《《Basic takoyaki is 600 yen. 》》》》》(I'm so scared that one serving of takoyaki will soon cost 1,000 yen.) The first hour on weekdays is free. (The annex is free for the first 2 hours) 200 yen for every 30 minutes thereafter. _____________ [December 2023: Posted] What I often think about these days is that there is a huge disparity in prices depending on the store. I also no longer think that 600 yen per serving of takoyaki is expensive. I think I would have thought it was expensive two years ago, but... On the other hand, when I see a store selling something for 400 yen or something like that, I get interested and think that they are trying hard. Now, this store has good prices. It's too small for this price. I understand that they are trying to cut costs, but for 700 yen you can have a snack, so I wish the company would put a little more effort into it. I'm afraid that one serving of takoyaki will soon cost 1,000 yen. _____________ If this review was helpful I would be happy if you could click the 👍 "This was helpful" 👍 as it would encourage me to write future posts. m(_ _)m

  • しゅうさくしゅうさく



    Is it because of the response that the evaluation is low? The takoyaki was jumbo and filling, just like the pop version. I didn't feel that the octopus inside was small. Isn't it commensurate with the size of the takoyaki? Maybe it's because the takoyaki is too big. There was quite a line, but the takoyaki were always being made, so I was able to check out sooner than I expected. I think it tastes good!

  • Melissa Orozco Ordoñez

    Melissa Orozco Ordoñez


    I queued for 20 minutes (on a sunday) and even though the balls had a nice flavor I must admit it was quite disappointing to find the teeny tiny pieces of octopus in each takoyaki... not worth the wait for me.

  • understand shin

    understand shin



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