Starbucks博多の森 en Fukuoka




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1-chōme-71-9 Higashihirao, Hakata Ward, Fukuoka, 812-0853, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 92-626-7201
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.5894566, Longitude: 130.4579568

comentarios 5

  • Kévin Loeuillet

    Kévin Loeuillet


    I had the best Starbuck's customer service in this shop than in any other shop in the whole country. I never go in this area, but I think I'll try to come back soon here because of the staff and how friendly they were.

  • Paul Quilichini

    Paul Quilichini


    The staff were very nice. The drink was as good as Starbucks gets. The location is pretty nice with plenty of seating and a nice, shaded, "patio". They lose two full stars for their absolutely thoughtless bicycle parking. It's small (for Japan) and absolutely no shelter for it. On hot days child seats get too hot to touch and lithium e-bike batteries get super hot. On rainy days... well there's just no shelter.

  • Leena Sharma

    Leena Sharma


    Great location next to the stadium Has drive through and nice indoor nd outdoor seating

  • Eugene Gebert

    Eugene Gebert


    This is a great Starbucks. Love the garden and outdoor undercover area. Dont tell anyone because its one of my favorite Starbucks. This one even has a drive through. Great staff who work at this one too!!

  • Boss



    What a great Starbucks. Lots of parking, drive through and outdoor seating.

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