MARKET CAFE en Fukuoka




🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒812-0011 Fukuoka, Hakata Ward, Hakata Ekimae, 3-chōme−22−15 ホテルウィングセレクト 1F
contactos teléfono: +81 92-476-9113
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.5882661, Longitude: 130.4161712

comentarios 5

  • ボス



    Morning food you can eat near Hakata Station! It’s nice to be able to eat even if you don’t stay overnight ◎ At a nearby capsule hotel called 9nine. If you stay overnight and look for morning I found this by chance! I arrived at 9:40. Unexpected morning until 10am ▶︎Morning 1500 yen I'll post the price a little. When you want to eat a lot Recommended when you want to eat a variety of things! It is recommended to go to the city at the last minute! from 4 types Other than that, it's a buffet style! This time I chose chicken! This chicken was delicious! The meal is progressing! The buffet includes curry, bread, vegetables, dessert, I'm excited to see so many things! I wanted to eat curry too, so I changed the rice. I want to eat bread too I got greedy! Eat as much as you can in 20 minutes I'm full! Next time, let's go with plenty of time!

  • A



    Very friendly and good food for the start

  • minori yamaguci

    minori yamaguci


    Information is wrong.11;00 isn’t opend.

  • Mine Yamadomi

    Mine Yamadomi


    I discovered a Moet Chandon event at a cafe at night ^_^ Moe Moe at the cafe at night~~(*´∇`*) Cheers: Of course it's Moeshan.

  • かいかい



    The moment you opened the door 🚪. I felt a nostalgic illusion of time passing slowly. It's a healing space.

Cafetería más cercano

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