Starbucks Coffee - Tenjin-minami Watanabe-dori en Fukuoka

JapónStarbucks Coffee - Tenjin-minami Watanabe-dori



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Fukusyu Bldg, 4-chōme-9-18 Watanabedōri, Chuo Ward, Fukuoka, 810-0004, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 92-737-7615
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.5873088, Longitude: 130.4012915

comentarios 5

  • Jay OB

    Jay OB


    Your typical Starbucks experience with no extra bells or whistles. The food is decent but not spectacular, and the drinks are overpriced but delicious. It’s Starbucks, you know what you are getting. This location is large, with plenty of seating but extremely busy. All seats were filled and had a high turnaround in which finding a seat became difficult. Service was relatively quick. If you like Starbucks, this location should deliver on your typical experience.

  • Анастасия Апфельбаум

    Анастасия Апфельбаум


    I love hojicha latte and matcha latte with almond milk🫰🏻✨

  • Prima Shariff

    Prima Shariff


    Workers are very patient and friendly! There’s some extra charge for eating in, though. The place is quite full for being open during a pandemic, but they do a decent job of keeping the place clean and having barriers between people in addition to hand gel.

  • Vedran Demir

    Vedran Demir


    Only place open for an early morning get-together. Never really been a big fan of the franchise and I don't like their coffee so I'm kind of biased against it. On the other hand I did enjoy meeting my friend and the atmosphere was good hence the 3 stars.

  • Mary Moreno

    Mary Moreno


    Small Starbucks in the hearth of Hakata. Nice staff, nice coffe, no bathrooms.(need to go upstairs to an office building bathroom) Only 1 floor. But if you can have a seat is relaxing.

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