Starbucks Coffee - Matsuyama Hanamizuki-dori Street i Matsuyama

JapanStarbucks Coffee - Matsuyama Hanamizuki-dori Street



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3-chōme-7-28 Furukawakita, Matsuyama, Ehime 790-0942, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 89-905-7066
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.8105312, Longitude: 132.7653825

kommentar 5

  • carp1525



    Although it is a little far from the center of Matsuyama Parking is also easy There is also a drive-thru It was a Starbucks with a nice atmosphere.

  • tomoyuki ishida

    tomoyuki ishida


    It has been used a lot lately! I'm grateful that it's available from 7am ☀️ There is a parking lot 🅿️, and there is also a drive-thru. The inside of the store is equipped with a power seat near the window, so you can't help but stay there for a long time (^^) After all, Starbucks has a different sense of stability! I can easily spend a day reading📖❗️




    [Slightly smaller among drive-thru stores] Visited around 16:20 on 2023/06/30 For the purpose of visiting Starbucks in Matsuyama City 【directions】 ・It is a drive-through store, and as the store name suggests, it is also a roadside store called Hanamizuki Dori. It is normal to go by private car. There is also a parking lot for over 10 cars. ・Still, the public transportation is Iyotetsu bus. From the Matsuyama City Station bus stop, take the Hanamizuki Dori Line. It is very close to the bus stop where you will get off. [Shop atmosphere] ・It's a small drive-thru store, with about 30 seats. ・However, there are power outlets available at the L-shaped seats near the window. There are quite a few. Perfect for students studying. ・There is also a long desk in the middle of the store. There are no outlets here, but it will be easy to spread out your study materials.

  • Bunny Hopping

    Bunny Hopping


    I'm glad the clerk is in good spirits. However, if you go when it's empty, you can hear loud chatter coming from the back. 18 parking spaces? There is a convenient parking lot for wheelchair users, and a drive-through is available. However, the drive-thru tends to be crowded. There are many single and double seats. If you're waiting for a day cafe, even in relatively large stores, they'll tell you to bring it to your seat and bring it to you, but for some reason the cashier at this store loudly says, "We have decaf." I was called. I was surprised when it was my first time using the calling system. Also, it's ready... isn't it ready? I had doubts about that, so I went to the cash register to pick it up and it was ready.

  • Yukky Y

    Yukky Y


    Nice high sealing and relaxiing mood

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