CREPE & CAFE Hi5 i Matsuyama




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6-20 Minamihoribatachō, Matsuyama, Ehime 790-0006, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 90-2891-9292
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.839128, Longitude: 132.7615628

kommentar 5

  • Jasper Brookman

    Jasper Brookman


    While the food is nothing too special (crepes and fries are great), you come here for the atmosphere. One of the only 'open street' cafés I have seen and a perfect place to meet up, hang out and have a drink. People come and go all the time and there is some live music sometimes. A hangout place for foreigners too and the perfect place to mingle with the locals. The owner is great, kind, servicable and I highly recommend eating here if he was the only good point. Considering all the others though, it is a must check-out!

  • Underhillジン



    This place has everything crepes, fancy sweet drinks, beer, juice, fries and apparently hamburgers and the whatnot ( I am vegetarian I cannot rate those) Very friendly, welcoming and very cool atmosphere. Is all outdoor but when it is cold they put up windscreens. There is sometimes a really great band that plays there and people often will play the piano. It is an informal hub for international folks, a must-do Matsuyama experience and my favorite place in the city to meet friends for a game.

  • Dane J

    Dane J


    Absolutely love this place. The owner is extremely kind and inviting and makes it his duty to make us patrons feel as comfortable and welcomed as possible. They have a nice variety of things to eat in the lines of burgers and dessert crepes. The environment is also excellent to just sit back and relax. The available piano for patrons to join in and play adds character and comfort to this spot with the spontaneous live music.

  • Preston Vue (suikoarke)

    Preston Vue (suikoarke)


    Very nice and casual place. It's welcoming to all people of any race, nationality, age, etc. Very cool guys to talk with and a great place for friends to hang out. Now with burgers.

  • Wilco Maree

    Wilco Maree


    Awesome place to unwind during anytime of the day. Especially if you want to treat yourself to a crepe after a hard day of work with a coffee. Or to chill with friends with a beer and foody snacks in the evening. 6 stars for the best host/owner. Inspiration to everyone's dreams.

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