Starbucks Coffee - Koriyama Molti i Koriyama

JapanStarbucks Coffee - Koriyama Molti



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒963-8002 Fukushima, Koriyama, Ekimae, 2-chōme−11−1 ビッグアイ モルティ 2F
kontakter telefon: +81 24-921-4556
internet side:
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Latitude: 37.4000305, Longitude: 140.3882754

kommentar 5

  • M I

    M I


    I purchased a hot latte. When I received the coffee, I was surprised and very happy to see latte art there. I am writing this to express my gratitude.

  • yofukashi _3

    yofukashi _3


    Store number 236. First store in Fukushima Prefecture, opened in 2001. I was happy to see the atmosphere of a Starbucks that opened in the Heisei era on the signboard and interior.

  • うどんこ



    The clerk is kind (and cute) I wanted to customize it but was wondering what to do, and she carefully explained the recommendations and toppings. While I was waiting at the counter, other employees talked to me about various things and it was a relaxing time. Thanks to you, I was able to enjoy some very delicious coffee ^^ thank you very much!

  • radio on

    radio on


    Second floor of a building adjacent to Koriyama Station It's relatively small and there are a lot of young people, probably in the style of a fashion building. Wallpaper etc. are also simple. The location is perfect for taking a break while waiting for a train or bus. I'm out of basic hot I was told it would take some time Iced coffee can be served immediately. I was pretty nervous about it. It was my first time to see Mr. Mojimoji at Starbucks. I was confused about this, but it's iced coffee. And I had a white peach and earl gray cake.

  • Alex Johnston

    Alex Johnston


    Had a nice creamy frappy an enjoyed a mildy comfortable chair

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