Soranoiro en Chiyoda City




🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒102-0093 Tokyo, Chiyoda City, Hirakawachō, 1-chōme−3−10 ブルービル本館 1B
contactos teléfono: +81 3-3263-5460
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.6830607, Longitude: 139.7394305

comentarios 5

  • Korhan Kale

    Korhan Kale


    Can only give this a perfect! Ramen is really good, the broth also. Really helpful people for foreigners!

  • Ajit Dansingani

    Ajit Dansingani


    This is a great place for a regular Ramen experience or if you have any food restrictions. They had a very well priced kids ramen option that you can combine with various add ons. You order at the ticket machine and they have an English menu card that translates what’s on the ticket machine. If you need help, the staff is very helpful and can guide you through it. I needed the GF option and the lady helped me through the order process, and they understand gluten free so I didn’t have to fumble through a translation. My kids were able to enjoy a traditional ramen bowl while I could also have a GF meal. The only downside is that the cha su options are not GF at this location, so I had to go with the vegan option. However, the ramen was delicious, especially with the zesty garlic condiment. It’s a cozy place.

  • Danielle Ahimsa

    Danielle Ahimsa


    We love how authentically Japanese this place is. There is only one vegan option, it’s flavour is subtle but perfectly balanced. The ingredients are noticeably fresh and well sourced and the texture of noodles are the best I’ve ever tried. Would recommend.

  • Caitlin Clifton

    Caitlin Clifton


    Gluten free vegan and can add meat for gf non vegan! Hubby had the soy based special and said it was excellent. Great option for when you want gf but companions to have normal Kind, patient and helpful staff. Lots of care taken for cross contamination and using separate water for boiling noodles etc.

  • Ilse van Ewijk

    Ilse van Ewijk


    My hotel is pretty closeby, so this was a good lunch option for me. You make your selection at the machine outside and pay in order to get your ticket(s). Then go inside and hand over your ticket to the staff. It's only bar seating and space is limited, so it's easiest if you come here by yourself or as a couple. If you don't know Japanese, use Google Translate on the machine outside; it works well. Although they are known to be able to cater to people with specific diet requirements, I am not one of those people. I just came here for the stuffed protein bowl with two wonton on top of all the meats. The ramen bowl was absolutely filled to the brim. The broth was tasty and light, to balance out all the protein in it. Only thing is that it was quite pricey (2000yen). But they do have cheaper options of course.

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