Sobadokoro Sapporonangoshinshuan in Sapporo

JapanSobadokoro Sapporonangoshinshuan



🕗 öffnungszeiten

20 Kita-1-6 Nangōdōri, Shiroishi Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 003-0023, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 11-864-4410
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 43.0301392, Longitude: 141.4380258

kommentare 5

  • miton



    You can eat soba noodles at a reasonable price. The set menu was reasonably priced and I was able to decide without hesitation. Condiments are set on the table and you can use them as much as you want. Chopped seaweed, green onions, tempura... rice and soba noodles cost just one coin. Revisited, now that prices are high...the prices have gone up. However, the mini tempura bowl and soba set costs 890 yen.

  • パラワン



    First visit for lunch The inside of the store seems small. It's a holiday...if you go to a soba restaurant...😳 The spell he chanted was ``Soba Shochu'' Soba shochu mixed with soba hot water is divine 😆 Soon…( ^ ^ )/□ Served with... ``Candied herring, fish cake, braised pork belly'' I keep coming to the table one after another. I’ll take it 🎶 Herring is delicious... I can't help but eat fish cakes Braised braised... soft If you add shochu's nice. I can't eat soba 😅 I'll stop by again! Thank you for the meal 🎶

  • tooru



    It's cheap and delicious. This is a restaurant that will make you want to eat this next time you come (both in terms of menu and taste).

  • snow white

    snow white


    I have often seen the name Shinshuan, but this was my first time using it. I like Sarashina soba and it was delicious. The store was clean and the customer service was polite and comfortable.

  • 久保和敬



    Delicious soba noodles. ``Miyoshino'' is located in the same location, so don't worry if your mood changes from gyoza and curry. ~Added on August 2, 2023~ Today I chose "chilled kakiage soba". The freshly fried kakiage was quite delicious. Thank you for the meal today.

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