Rokkatei Shinrin Koen Store in Sapporo

JapanRokkatei Shinrin Koen Store



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4-chōme-24-18 Atsubetsu Higashi 5 Jō, Atsubetsu Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 004-0005, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 120-126-666
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 43.0516108, Longitude: 141.4834145

kommentare 5

  • K I tyomu

    K I tyomu


    I went to the second floor of Rokkatei to get some food. It feels more like a stylish restaurant than a stylish coffee shop. The pizza was crispy and delicious. I was on my way back from the development village, so I was wondering if it was a remnant of the Taisho era. The clerk was cheerful and polite. However, as a cafe, be careful as it closes at 3pm.

  • Toshiyuki Okada

    Toshiyuki Okada


    The atmosphere is different from the Sapporo main store and Otaru store. I guess it's not for tourists. I felt Rokkatei's potential in a good way.

  • Tim Grose

    Tim Grose


    Disappointing. It has nice atmosphere and friendly staff but the lunches are overpriced, the menu very limited (only three dishes) and the taste is nothing special. The afternoon tea and cake/dessert sets seem better value for money and tastier too.

  • Sun Kim

    Sun Kim


    We love all the sweets of this bakery. It also serves simple dishes upstairs like pizza and Japanese mixed rice, which taste wonderful.

  • yoshida04



    nice place to have a tea break in the afternoon.

nächste Cafe

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