Soba-Kiri Toku w Wakayama

JaponiaSoba-Kiri Toku


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4-chōme-15-1 Yakatamachi, Wakayama, 640-8151, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 73-427-3456
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Latitude: 34.2258007, Longitude: 135.1786655

komentarze 5

  • Winter Akina

    Winter Akina


    Restaurants featured in the Michelin Guide If you want to eat authentic soba, this is the place! is. You can really taste the deliciousness of soba. The soba noodles are also beautifully cut, which is amazing. However, I feel that the amount is small. Even if you think about adding it, it will take some time to provide it, so it's better to order from the beginning.

  • うみ



    It seems that now (August 2023) only reservations are available for the evening. I've been wanting to go for a long time and finally made a reservation and went. It seems like you are managing it all by yourself. However, I ended up ordering a lot... The soba noodles had a gentle taste and the wasabi was grated once each, so it was very delicious! The sobagaki I ate for the first time was also delicious. If I have a chance, I would like to go there again and try different things.

  • R Y

    R Y


    They serve Inaka style soba (田舎そば) with their special dipping sauce that goes well with the soba. This apparently seems to be the restaurant’s speciality. I had it for lunch and it was very tasty. Thank you for your great hospitality!

  • ぎょえ〜じゅん



    I received an immunity boosting lunch for 1,430 yen including tax. Made with Hokkaido-produced Nagawa native rice, it has a delicious aroma and goes well with the sharp tsuyu! This is a rare real soba restaurant in Wakayama City, where there are many soba restaurants that serve udon-like flour-filled soba noodles (← This is my personal impression 😭) The customer service is kind and pleasant. There is no free parking lot, but you can get a service ticket for the coin parking lot next door. I recommend it.

  • oreni miraiha

    oreni miraiha


    The store is located in a detached house and blends in with the residential area. If you imagine a ``store'' when you go there, it will be so familiar to the neighborhood that you won't be able to find it. On the menu, there is 1 to 9 soba noodles and an explanation. Considering the proportions, I imagined soba to be a bit light, but it had a chewy texture that made it easy to swallow while feeling the moisture in the noodles. *Subjective The quantity is a little small, but the taste is ok! First, I had the spicy radish soba. I liked the taste and texture of the soba that was not washed away by the grated radish. If this wasn't enough, I ordered additional soba noodles with duck soup. This also has a well-balanced taste and is satisfying. The sansho that was served as a condiment was not ground sansho, but ``sansho in oil'' as a flavoring oil, or perhaps ``sansho in oil.'' This mixes with the soba noodles and combines with the flavor of the duck to make it smooth. It has become a restaurant that comes to mind when you think of ``soba'' in Wakayama. There are probably few restaurants in the Kinki area where you can enjoy soba noodles this well.

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