Maruyama Ramen Shin-nakajima branch w Wakayama

JaponiaMaruyama Ramen Shin-nakajima branch



🕗 godziny otwarcia

610-6 Shinnakajima, Wakayama, 641-0006, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 73-474-1568
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.2156839, Longitude: 135.1996353

komentarze 5

  • ya sa

    ya sa


    August 2020 Business hours (11:00-24:00) Chinese noodles 700 yen including tax Grilled rice 700 yen including tax

  • gala “galapago” pagos

    gala “galapago” pagos


    Payment…cash only Parking lot…There is space for 4 passenger cars, including 1 light car, in front of the store (2 of them were occupied even though no one was there) It took some courage to enter. My mother runs the whole thing by herself. The traditional Chinese noodles are good. For someone like me who prefers light meals, I feel like this restaurant is good. The fried rice has a flavor that makes you feel the power of fire. The Chinese noodles and fried rice cost over ¥1,000, but I was satisfied.

  • トシ



    I visited in the afternoon on a weekday. I found this ramen shop by chance. It was difficult to compare the taste, whether it was Wakayama ramen or Chinese soba. If you think of it as Wakayama ramen, it tastes light. The taste is a little unsatisfying. I don't think it has any richness. Fried rice, on the other hand, has a strong flavor. I liked the taste. Well, it's normal, neither bad nor good.

  • pi pi

    pi pi


    Fried rice set is popular. Even though it's the same Maruyama, the taste is a little different from other stores. It's on the lighter side, but the taste may vary depending on the day, but the more you eat, the more salt you'll get. Fried rice is delicious. It is a small shop with only a counter.

  • のーてんの寅



    [Maruyama Chinese Soba Shin-Nakajima store (Wakayama City, Wakayama Prefecture)] 🏠Our main store in Wakayama City has been in business for over 60 years. [Maruyama Chinese Soba Komatsubara store] together with [Shioya store] A Wakayama ramen/garage-style shop that is a branch. 🗓'23.1.5 🍜Chinese soba ¥700 🍥Soup Light☆☆★☆☆Dark The piping hot soup that kills cat tongues has a fragrant aroma that rises with the steam. With the strong flavor of Kaeshi and the sharp acidity. Supporting the rounded, animal-based flavor centered around pork bones 🍥Noodles Thin★★☆☆☆Thick The soft-boiled noodles are smooth and slippery. The more water you add, the more chewy and chewy you'll get. Gradually get used to it and take in the soup. 🍥Toppings ・Charshu・Menma・Green onion 🐯Tora report🐯 A soup with a strong soy sauce flavor rather than the mellow flavor of pork bones. Supported by noodles that hold the whole thing together with just the right amount of entanglement and freshness. The aroma and gentle taste will make you addictive. I had a unique Chinese soba in front of the garage ♬

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