SMBC Mita-dori Branch in Minato City

JapanSMBC Mita-dori Branch



🕗 öffnungszeiten

5-chōme-28-1 Shiba, Minato City, Tokyo 108-0014, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 570-043-195
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.64703, Longitude: 139.74473

kommentare 5

  • Na k

    Na k


    I stopped by for some formalities, but it didn't move on at all. I was told that I would have to wait after checking in at the entrance, and I waited for about 4 to 50 minutes, but when I looked closely, I saw that there was no one at the counter. If that's the case, I shouldn't have accepted it. Customer service is terrible.

  • 荞麦不生病



    I think this is the worst store. I want to open a new bank account, but when I went there for the first time, I was told to make sure to bring my old residence card. At that time, apply through the app. was recommended to me, but there were many things I didn't understand and I felt it was a hassle, so I told the counter that I wanted to apply. If you don't come in the morning, the wait time will be long, so I asked the staff to come in the morning with your old residence card. The second time, I prepared all the documents, but the staff told me to apply again through the app. I explained that it would be difficult to use the internet, but I was told that even if I did it at the counter, the staff would help me and apply using the app. Last week, when I went to a local store with a friend, I was able to apply at the counter.Why is this store the only one I can apply for? I strongly requested to apply at the counter, but they kept asking me to apply through the app, which I couldn't believe. This is the worst store ever. I will never go there again.

  • Hikaru Yuzuriha

    Hikaru Yuzuriha


    The receptionist is trying to turn the customer away, making excuses. They also have a corporate division, so individual customers will take a backseat. With that kind of customer service attitude, I wouldn't want to open a corporate account at Otaku's place.

  • Romance CP

    Romance CP


    I made a reservation for the name change procedure, but I had to wait quite a while. In fact, people who came without making a reservation were accommodated one after another. Also, when the number of customers stopped, the woman at the counter was chatting and laughing. I don't know how it works, whether the name change procedure is difficult and there are a limited number of people who can handle it, or whether there is a fixed number of people who can handle reservations, but I felt disappointed. It's spacious and has many counters, so I thought it would be convenient even for people without reservations.

  • Kévin Bulmé

    Kévin Bulmé


    Very polite and kind staff. Fast service. A really good bank.

nächste Bank

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